The weather isn’t playing ball but the flowers have had enough, they are starting to bloom.

Just need the sun now….

It might be a bit of a wait for that ….

Excessive handwashing,

Excessive clothes changing,

Excessive need for reassurance,

Excessive need to order and arrange things,

Excessive need to check and recheck things,

Excessive hoarding.

I was told by a Paediatrician that OCD was one of the potential anxieties that we should look out for with Hawklad. As a toddler he was obsessed with lining toy animals and cars in increasingly long straight lines. Apparently that can be a forewarning of later life OCD and an early flag of Autism. The Paediatrician said for unknown reasons there is a link. I think he said that 2% of the population can experience severe OCD, for Autism the percentage jumps to 20%.

Whatever the reasons, whatever the numbers, OCD has a huge impact on daily life, it ramps up anxiety and stress levels. It does with Hawklad. If anything the OCD grows. Sadly up to now the advice and support with OCD can be best described by the phrase

Best of luck with that….

It’s often down to individuals and families to try to chart a path through these never ending storms. Trying to find ideas, anything to try.

The search is ongoing here.

42 thoughts on “searching for

  1. Love the flowers … we have none yet, though I noticed a few peeking through the surface in my neighbor’s yard. I’m so very sorry to hear about Hawklad’s additional problems … as if he didn’t have enough to start with. When it rains, it pours, my friend. Thinking of you and Hawklad tonight.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Beautiful daffodils! Honestly, I believe that OCD can affect a larger percentage of the population than authorities are admitting. I know I have it to some extent myself. We live in the countryside and are quite isolated to some extent. There have been a large number of break-ins in this area, some of them violent, which is why I keep checking is the door locked at night! Not that a door would hold them back… OCD can really start to interfere with everyday life. I can understand how you feel personally and do wish you both all the best and happy carefree times ahead….

    Liked by 2 people

  3. It’s not easy with a child to know what is ‘normal’? My son has OCD to a greater extent now as an adult than I recognised in him when he was small. 30 years ago we weren’t so knowledgeable and I’m still not sure if that was a good or a bad thing. He’s a happy soul in the main, and that’s what counts for me. I hope your son finds a way through life’s challenges. And that the sun comes out soon. Tomorrow, in fact! 

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Last night I was reading the most recent post by “naturetails” It’s about research being done on the properties of camel milk. She mentions a book by Christina Adams called Camel Crazy. Apparently this woman’s son has autism and benefitted tremendously. It sounds far-fetched but I couldn’t not mention it.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. OCD can be so hard to navigate and I can see how it exhibits itself more often in individuals with autism. I see some of this behaviour in T too, especially the lining up objects in a straight line.

    Just like there are intervention therapies for things like literacy and social, I wish this got more attention and support as well. Thinking of you and Hawklad.

    As an aside, it’s so nice to see Spring sporting in your part of the world; it seems to come earlier over there. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. The daffodils are out over here too. It is so energizing to see them.

    I am so sorry that Hawklad and you have to deal with OCD too now and that there is no support which you needed so much. Hope this changes soon!!

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Beautiful flowers.

    I am so sorry to hear that Hawklad’s OCD is growing.

    I do not know anything at all about OCD but given how great a proponent I am of listing why I feel the way I do and looking at those feelings and why they trigger what they do is that something that Hawklad might find as a tangled web to untangle?

    I read your posts and the struggles that both you and Hawklad face and wish that there was something that I could do to help. Aside from my useless advice.

    Sending both of you hugs.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You are wonderful, doing so well with your wonderful young lad. The flowers keeping sentry duty or should that read Scent-re duty? Bet those blue ones are a treat for the nose.
    A friend and myself are going to meet up to do our own version of Cherry Blossom day 🌸🌸🌸 and it might be a bit of together-ing (if that be a word). Thinking of family and friends gone, the beauty and fleeting nature of life. We might not do the tea thing, but use a Japanese teapot to put Tizer in and paint or summat?

    Liked by 1 person

  9. I envy you. Those flowers are so lovely to see. Not seeing many here so far. Now to Hawkland, I thought he was doing well sorry he is going through this But I know he will get through he has by his side.❤️

    Liked by 1 person

  10. It’s definitely milder here now. Birds tweeting and spring flowers are blooming. OCD is debilitating. I guess having so much time at home isolating only exacerbated the symptoms. I know that you’ll be doing everything you can to help support him and he is really lucky to have you for his Dad and looking out for him. I hope you and he can get some peace from it somehow xx

    Liked by 2 people

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