Some people

An unexpected trip to the Vets this time with the big boy cat. So I was stood outside the car waiting patiently my turn to enter. The handful of pet owners kept looking at the traffic light entry system now in place. Waiting with a wide arrange of pets with owners who knew how this worked. The Vets are running late but they will get to us as soon as possible. The Receptionist keeping us informed of progress. All very polite, civilised and good natured.

Then it all changed. A car drove up with two dogs in the back. I must admit two very happy and well behaved dogs. If only the owner was….

First the owner ignored the one empty car parking spot and decided to squeeze between two already parked cars. This must have been about being closer to the entrance by all of 10 yards. Anyway it was an impressive parking achievement as there wasn’t really space for a third car. The owner squeezed out banging the unlucky adjacent car. She then ignored a returning driver politely asking if she could reverse out so the unfortunate driver could open the drivers side door more than 6 inches. The polite request was brushed off with a curt ‘I’ve got to get my dogs out’ comment. Eventually the poor driver was curved to climb in through the passenger side.

Then it was time to have a go at the nice receptionist. It was disgraceful that she had to wait and it didn’t matter that there were appointments before hers that were still waiting, she should be next and seen NOW.

Thankfully she was made to wait her turn. As my cat was seen I looked out of the window and gave reports back to the receptionist on the increasingly purple coloured and and clearly fuming person in the car park. Apparently this lady is always like this and according to the receptionist she isn’t the only customer sadly with this frame of mind.


Is it so hard to be nice and polite to people. I really don’t understand some people.

Random Quotes

Things have been a crazy over last week or so. It’s either busy or being even more tired than usual. Can’t work out which. But I’ve been very remiss on responding to stuff. Sorry. Anyway let’s at least respond to one thing quickly.

Thank you to Rory (A Guy Called Bloke) for the Random Quotes. His quotes are epic. The subject is Attitude so let’s do some quotes.

Always try to get at least one of my heroes in. Time for some Carl Sagan.

“The really intelligent people have an attitude of fact finding rather than fault finding”

Next are from another person sadly not with us anymore. The one if a kind Lemmy (Motörhead).

I’ve been known as Lemmy since I was around 10. I didn’t always have the mustache … I’ve only had that since I was 11

“If you’re going to be a fucking rock star, go be one. People don’t want to see the guy next door on stage; they want to see a being from another planet.”

One from the brilliant Stephen Fry

“Taste every fruit of every tree in the garden at least once. It’s an insult to creation not to experience it fully”.

My 3 tags for quotes about attitude are

Stella Bailey

A Pondering Mind

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