Definitely frozen and a poor swan forced to go on foot around the lake.

Definitely frozen as today’s morning yoga torture was performed in two pairs of leggings and three layers of fleece. Not really in the mood to ‘enjoy the deep grounding position’.

‘Let the head relax onto the inner thigh’, how can I relax when my thigh is convulsing like it’s been hit with a million volts and my neck sounds like it’s just snapped.

And how can I ‘with a lions breath transition smoothly onto the other side’ when I’m embarrassingly stuck with rigorous mortis rapidly setting in to my increasingly knackered and now badly deformed hip.

Apparently yoga is good for you….

It’s definitely good for letting things go. With me ‘a delicious downward dog’ is ‘my hairy backside ridiculously stuck in the air releasing fart after fart’….

Is it just me that yoga bullies….

At least I won’t need to take an ice bath to cool down.

14 thoughts on “Frozen yoga

  1. Wonderful cold pictures! I do love Winter when I am snuggly warm indoors. I have never gotten over having to play hockey in shorts and an aertex shirt in November. And it was that very, very cold winter…1963? Brrr.

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