Another Spring trip to the TROPICAL Yorkshire coast. This time FILEY. Filey was once a really popular Victorian seaside haunt and on the rare warm day, still gets mobbed. Today, just one day away from the usually seriously busy Bank Holiday Weekend, it was a bit of a ghost town. The 1000 place Car Park, had 3 cars parked up. Yes Saddo counted them. It’s just TOO cold.

A few years back there was a newspaper story claiming that an underwater ALIEN base had been discovered, bizarrely off the coast of Filey….

The town is supposed to be an ALIEN hotspot….. Well I hope the little Green Men have a Base which has robust anti seagull defences and monumentally good heating.

PS… my helpful spellchecker tried to change underwater to UNDERWEAR. Now that would have been a story. An Underwear Alien Base, I’m lost for words.

38 thoughts on “Aliens

  1. Gotta keep smiling! Filey used to be my favourite resort but that would have been coloured by youth, and everything was warmer then, wasn’t it? I did hear that summer is on its way. Even to Filey Brigg!


      1. I once went to a test match at Leeds with the country basking under a heat wave. The scoreboard had sun cream warnings and yet the pitch was 3 inches under water and it was a monsoon there. It’s an odd weather place.


  2. Spellchecker can get you into a lot of trouble! It would have been an interesting story though. But what of the original story? Maybe the aliens decided to try somewhere warmer.


  3. I turned my Speichek off for that very reasson. Yeah, a lot of typos sneak past my fingertips, but at least they are my typos, not some annoying progam’s.
    Happy Alien hunting.


  4. You and Hawklad should get beamed up. It might be a welcome vacation from this planet! 😆 Make sure to pack underwear.

    Jokes aside, it is beautiful. I love how calming it all feels. 💕


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