What an odd night with two very different DREAMS. One really nice dream, but I can only recall snippets. One really weird dream and I can recall it vividly. With me I think the key is how I wake. Wake slowly and the dream is hazy, fading quickly. Wake with a START and the dream is clear, has a permanence.

The first dream felt like such a lovely, safe place to be. Based on real places. I know it was about Lake Brienz in Switzerland. The rest is hazy, no idea about any details, just that I was happy. I’ve been truly blessed to spend a little bit of time here, wish it was way more, such a stunning place. I woke slowly and quietly.

And then we come to the SECOND dream. Just an hour or so after Lake Brienz.

Even now, everything from that dream is so vivid. It started off in another real place, at my parent’s old house. I was in the garden and it was a perfect copy of reality. Little long forgotten details brought back, the gap in the fence under the hedge where my tortoise would go exploring, the crooked apple tree, the missing pane in the greenhouse, the lavender smell. So many details. The dream kicked on. A young couple had moved in next door. I talked with them over the fence, but quickly the guy had to go inside to feed the pets. He liked it here, she hated the new house. She hated the area, the people, the weather, her new home, everything. She even hated the plants in her garden. She bitterly talked about wanting to be anywhere but here, it was her husband’s bad idea. I felt really uncomfortable. As soon as she could get out, she would. She was even going to burn those two ugly Japanese shrubs in the pots, I asked if I could give them a new home. She shrugged and stormed off. So I headed inside to see Mum, to tell her that I had met her new neighbours and that she might get those two nice plants that she likes. The reality was actually my mum left that house nearly 30 years ago and although the garden in the dream was perfect, the other bits of the story had much fiction. That couple never existed, the inside of mum’s house wasn’t quite right, the neighbouring garden looked odd, but I do remember those two Japanese plants, they were definitely real, although I’m not sure mum ever noticed them.

Here’s where the dream slammed in a sudden handbrake turn…..

As I went inside I heard mum’s voice scolding my older brother. He was apparently sleeping his life away and his breakfast was still on the table….. now there was some reality to part. I can remember my older bro liking to party at the weekend and as a result he would stay in bed till nearly midday, that didn’t please mum…..

Back to the dream, my brother’s bedroom door opened and out came my bro. As he walked passed me on the way to the kitchen, he patted me on the back and said in am AMERICAN ACCENT ‘Hi Bro….’.

But that’s not my brother, he’s not American and hold your horses ….that’s Jack Black……

That jolted me out of my dream, and I’m sure I woke shouting ‘Jack Black ain’t my brother’.

Figure that dream out, not been back to that house in decades, haven’t spoke to my brother in months and no I have not seen any Jack Black movies recently.

Really odd and just a bit frustrating….. So many unanswered dream questions and really frustratingly, why can’t I remember all the good details from the nice dream.

26 thoughts on “Dreams

  1. Dreams can be so weird. Sometimes we dream about people we haven’t seen or even thought about in years… but I have experienced what you’ve said about “little long forgotten details brought back!” I believe we’re all psychological minefields…

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I love how vividly you remember that dream, Gary. I’m getting a visual in my head now of what you may look like. More Jack Black than Thor perhaps! 😆

    Dreams really are a strange beast aren’t they and they really can take a turn for the surreal!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. It is believed that dreams allow us to cleanse our minds of ‘stuff’ cluttering up our, otherwise, sober thoughts. After two years of journaling my dreams (long ago) I can honestly say my dreams were a jumbled mess of memories, people, places and emotions.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. What an incredible dream! There’s not a night that goes by that I don’t have vivid and strange dreams, regardless of what I did during the day and my state of mind at bedtime. Strange isn’t always bad, fortunately, but they are strange none-the-less. And like you, if I wake slowly, the dream is gone and vice versa. I am not a dream interpreter, although some dreams leave little to the imagination. I read once “A single dream is more powerful than a thousand realities”. Amen to that! Peace. 🕊️


  5. I have odd dreams too. The other day I was just falling asleep and the telephone ring. It was a desk phone that I haven’t had in many years. The ringer was odd, but I picked it up anyway and on the other end, my mother said hello she has been dead since March 2016 – I was jolted awake immediately.

    XO Lisa M Preisler-Hampton MHA/Ed, RRT

    On Sun, May 5, 2024 at 6:28 PM A Dad trying to cope with the loss of his Partner and becoming a sing

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Gary, wow, what a dream! Dreams fascinate me; and frustrate me, too! They can be SO crazy. Jack Black? One of my favorite movies of his is The Holiday (I watch every Christmas). And to be in your dream?

    I don’t understand dreams–but mine have been strange. People from my past, people I’ve never met. Situations, emotions, places…our minds are untappable!

    Many blessings my friend. Here’s to wonderful dreams. 💛💛💛


  7. The past year I had a couple of dreams. The first dream I woke up with Robbie Williams Feel going off in my head. It certainly kept me upbeat all day after that dream.

    The last one being this year and that was a bit of a weird dream. Anthony Edwards was my dentist. Lol


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