Well the longest day came and went.

We have a bit of a tradition going now. On the Longest and Shortest Days, we head off to the Moors to hopefully see the sun slowly set over the distant hills. A favourite little parking spot on a hardly used byway is the perfect spot. We only share these moments with sheep…

We like this spot because quite often, immediately after the sun sets you get a few brief moments of optical illusions. Often it appears that we are now looking down on the coast. A golden sea with islands. This always takes me back, back to my climbing days and the trips to the West Coast of Scotland.

Always poignant thoughts. I vividly recall standing by my car, near Torridon, watching a stunning sunset over water. Then getting in my car to drive overnight back to the rat race in England. Thinking, I can’t wait for my next climbing adventure here, already drawing up plans as I drove. That was over 20 years ago and I still haven’t returned.

Time moves on….

Here’s the crazy thing, if I had been told back then, it could end up being at least 20 years of no returns, then I would have almost certainly made more of an effort to find the time. To actually make that trip way before now but life can have a habit of just slipping through our fingers if we are not careful.

19 thoughts on “Longest Day

  1. Then there’s no time like the present, Gary. You don’t have to climb, just go — be a presence there. If Hawklad wants to join you, take him. But go!


  2. Those are fabulous sunsets and I can see the sea in my mind’s eye. Something you could do with your son? Not necessarily climbing, but being there for a couple of days…


  3. So very true. Life carries us along and you end up one day saying “why didn’t I…?” But I don’t believe in regret. Youe sunset pictures are sensational!


  4. Or, it isn’t meant to be. Sometimes it isn’t about life slipping away. Sometimes it’s truly out of our hands. Looking forward can be a better direction to focus on. We can’t go back, but we can make the most of today and forge forward.


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