Looking at some photographs I had found from our last holiday. Always brings back those bittersweet memories.

“Dad I love Switzerland. I love the fact that many of the houses in the mountains don’t have walls. It makes the world so much more beautiful. Silly people forget that as high as you build a wall you can always build a ladder just a bit taller.”

He is so true. Walls can be climbed, tunnelled under, knocked down or just walked round. They however do have a habit of ruining a view. Some notable visual exceptions to that – Great Wall of China, Hadrians Wall. I wonder if the Romans realised when they built it that as a defensive wall it was a little bit rubbish but as a tourist attraction it was a winner. Maybe we could sell it. I wonder if anyone is looking for a slightly used big wall. Might be a winner if you don’t mind picking a few weeds out of it and it probably comes with a few resident sheep as well.

“Dad what really annoys me is that we build little wildlife sanctuaries then wall the animals inside. People don’t realise that we have to create connections between all the sanctuary’s to allow the animals to roam. If we did that then Wildlife would start to flourish again”

Again can’t argue with this. Does feel like the humans continue to sprawl out and nature is increasingly contracted. It’s lucky if it’s granted a few areas of protection.

“Dad better idea for walls. Let’s squeeze humans into a few small human sanctuaries then wall us in. Nature can have all the rest of our planet”

Only problem is that I just can’t imagine how I would cope with being confined in such close proximity to some of our politicians. Boris Johnson – please no, just no. Yes walls do have some major drawbacks.

50 thoughts on “Walls

      1. I remember my son playing a Thomas the Tank engine PC game and saying something about “Using this contraption” and I went “I’m sorry the what now?”

        Contraption. I never heard of that word before in my life until a 6yr old threw it into casual conversation.

        Liked by 3 people

  1. Wise beyond his years! And totally agree….well, except for the humans behind walls….unless we could pick the ones we could wall up. Then I’m in! 🤗

    Liked by 3 people

  2. “Let’s squeeze humans into a few small human sanctuaries then wall us in. Nature can have all the rest of our planet.” Perfect logic.


  3. Our skin is a barrier. But, I hear you and know what you mean. I am all for BEing Connected, yet invaders that desire to do harm (from my body, or my home), I want to keep out. To every season, turn, turn, turn.

    Liked by 1 person

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