Friday was a teacher training day so it’s a long weekend.

“Can you check if the cinema is empty. If it is can we go to see Captain Marvel”

For some reason the 12.15 showing only had 3 seats occupied. So off we went. Unusually for us we arrived early. Plenty of time to buy popcorn and a coffee for me. We took our seats in Screen 1. We sat on the front row – Son finds that less stressful.

We sat and waited. The adverts didn’t come on. Eventually 20 minutes late the pointless adverts about BMWs and Breakfast Cereals commenced. Then the movie trailers, Bizarrely nothing about the upcoming Avengers movie. Finally the lights go out – it’s show time. Bring on some Stan Lee magic.

Hang on a minute why is the film in double vision…

Hang on a minute why is that a Disney logo not Marvel…

The blurred film starts..

Dad this is Dumbo”.

It was. Wrong film. We would have sat and watched the film but it was the 3D version. Looking round the other people in the cinema had glasses on. That’s forward planning….

We quickly did the walk of shame out of the screen. Passing those smirking faces – ‘look at those twits – you can’t watch 3D without special specs”. The cinema has about 12 Screens. All the screens have double doors. One to take you to the right side and one to take you to the left side of the seating area. All except Screens 1 and 2. They only have one door. I saw the sign for Screen 1 and just assumed the right door took us to our side of the screen. Wrong that was the door for Screen 2.

Is it just me. Can’t we just have a routine day. Am I just completely incompetent. Good job that you don’t need to pass a test to become a parent.

So new tickets bought for the next showing in 1 hour. A quick Burger King. New pop corn purchased – didn’t have the heart to go and retrieve the ones we left with Dumbo. And finally we sit in the right screen and watched Captain Marvel.

I suspect I’ve blown my chances of making the Avengers Team although I could make a case for taking the lead role in Dumbo 2.

72 thoughts on “Captain Dumbo

  1. You’d still make Stan Lee proud, you went back! Makes for a great story and a good laugh 😊🙌🏽
    Can’t wait to see Dumbo, watched the trailer and it looks amazing. I’ve noticed this year is the year for films, yes?! So many great titles coming this year – I better get a bigger popcorn bowl ☺️

    Liked by 4 people

  2. Funny. I find sitting in the front seat stressful, will probably see Dumbo myself, the promos look great and it is Tim Burton. I may have said this before but I love your self-deprecating humor 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

  3. You are totally driven to distraction. There is only so much one person can keep up with. Parenting, alone, is full time job for both. You are doing the work of two people, plus your job, plus crazy animals, plus a stupid school system, plus paying bills, plus feeding everyone, plus household upkeep, plus blogging (and answering all of us), plus news & politics, plus trying to sleep, plus still grieving and, when you get some down time, you walk in the wrong theatre… I don’t think I would be able to do what you are doing and not self-destruct.

    Please be kind to yourself. Eat well. Rest well. Running your immune system down will not benefit either of you. You are doing a lovely job with what you have to work with. No one could ask more.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. From where I’m standing, you are a tower of strength & patience with a steel backbone. I would have been a puddle in the middle of the floor of the living room. Liz II should be knighting you.

        Enjoy your weekend. 🤗😎💕

        Liked by 1 person

  4. Lol Gary. That is EXACTLY the sort of thing I would have done. I could tell you a few stories about booo booos I have made, like that. I hope you both enjoyed the film in the end. Have a great weekend x

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Oh one of my most embarrassing ones was when I was doing Teaching Practice in. Radford. I was training to teach at Margaret MacMillan College and I was allotted to a particular class with a particular uncommunicative teacher to work alongside. One morning, very slowly and gradually the whole class disappeared. As this often happened I did not think too much of it. But then I suddenly realised they had all gone somewhere. Then, upon lokking outside the doir I saw two children disappearing through a door at the end of the next room. I had never been given a tour of the school so had no udea what was where. Eventually there were no kids and no teacher. I wondered what on earth had happened. Eventually they all filed back into the classroom again. I had been very disconcerted by it all. It turned out that they had all been to the school hall for assembly. I had been told NOTHING. I was basically ignored. However, later, I got into REAL trouble from the geadmaster for not turning up at assembly. There is much mire to tell of that teaching practice. It was the worst event of my lufe lol. None of it my fault, but I should have been a bit more savvy!

        Liked by 2 people

      2. No lol. It was a bad time all round though, and ended my time at College. There had been two student teacher places at that school, and so two classes , one for each student. We two had to decide for ourselves who was going to take which class. One of them was an all immigrant class and the little kids spoke hardly any English at all. I think most were Asians. The other class was a quite large class of older (about seven years of age) children who were much easier to teach, as our assignment was to teach them reading. My “friend” pushed to have the class of English children, whilst giving me the wonders of being able to have the chance to teach Reading to Asian children. Sge wanted that English children class real bad, because she wanted to shine. She kept on telling me how MUCH she wanted to be a teacher, and so she MUSt have that class! As if I did not want to be a teacher!!! Anyway, I was quite submissive in those days, at the age of 19 and I gave in. She got the easier class, then sycked up to the geadmaster talking psychology in the staff room. I knew all the psychology but was not a pushy person. Still aren’t. If I know something I tend to not air my knowledge. Anyway I got branded as a bad student teacher. It was y second teaching practice. My first had gone swimmingly. But I lost it at that
        Oint. I could not teach reading to kuds who spoke no English! So I left Colkege, ruined!

        Later, I did try teaching again but I then got married and we moved around a lot so didn’t stay in it for too long. Lol. I am not so submissive these days! Ha ha


      3. Lol Gary. I have changed a bit since then, but can still be submissive and a frightened little girl at times. Yep, later in time I was really good with kids, but never had any of my own. I loved the challenge of dreaming up ideas for them. Usually whacky ones lol 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  5. Yes priceless. I have that defective gene in spades. Fear not, it won’t leave you. I still do this. Like when I took my wife to the theatre. Took our seats. ‘Excuse me I think you’re in our seats’ I put on my best mansplaining voice. ‘What row?’ I smile not wanting to humiliate. ‘C’. Hmm we compare tickets. I was in the right seat. Just the wrong day. 24 hours late.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Ahhh – an honest mistake! Coulda happened to anyone! 🙂

    And it all came good in the end… a little later than expected, but all good! – right??? 🙂 :+1:

    Maybe you could take Captain Chaos to lead you to the right theater next time??? 🙂 🙂 🙂

    If it helps any – you cracked me up with the post!

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Literally! 😉

        Actually , I’ve been thinking about your post and i might have had a bit of a brainwave (high frequency at that!)

        I’ll e-mail you. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  7. Wholly delightful post! Great way to have woken up today. Thank you so much, BD!

    Self-deprecating humor is the best, I think. Can’t really be beat both for laughter and for handling the inevitable goofs of life with a bit of resilience, grace, and poise.

    There once was a peculiar woman in America, dead now, but today considered a great philosopher by many Americans who have yet to study philosophy — Ayn Rand. Said, “Laughing at yourself is like spitting in your own face.”

    She was wrong about that, BD. Quite wrong. Soon as I read her words, I went outside and spit into the wind. Wasn’t at all like laughing at myself. Not at all.

    Wrote “philosophy” every bit as insightful as her sense of humor.

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Oh no! Oh well – I think you are still a super hero 🙂 I liked Captain Marvel. I can’t watch Dumbo. I hate the whole being bullied and separated from his mom who is just trying to protect him. I hate ET too – what the humans did to him still makes me cry. I may be a bit of an anomaly. You’ll have to let us know what you think!

    Liked by 2 people

  9. I had to laugh at your being in the wrong movie as the hubby and I did that not long ago. We couldn’t figure out how the action on the screen related to the movie we thought we were seeing and after a few minutes we figured out we were watching CARS!

    Liked by 3 people

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