A small nature reserve on the edge of the nearest city.

Been coming here for over 20 years and I’ve never seen it this wet.

The small pond has suddenly decided to grow, there is supposed to be a wooden viewing platform there. In fact the now super pond has completely submerged the path on the far side. No circular nature walk now.

Flooded pond

Impromptu streams forming all over the site.

The irony, just a few months back Yorkshire was officially under drought restrictions…..

13 thoughts on “Irony

  1. Hi, This is the type of cycle often experienced here in Australia. Drought, bush fire, flooding rains or drought, flooding rains. From the far north and down the eastern coast of Australia, there has been more than enough rain this wet season/summer. Cyclone Jasper added to the rain totals in the far north. The irony for us is an El Nino year was forecast which generally means lower than average rainfall, higher temperatures and the possibility of drought.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. She is definitely mad my way. Two days of brutally cold temps only hitting 22 during the day with windchill making it feel like 15.And getting down in the single digits at night .Have about 3 more days of this.❤️


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