Swiss Alps

Each Day, Dad would pick up the local newspaper, briefly glance at the main headline and then it was straight to the same old page. He would turn to the Death Notices which bizarrely was on the same page as the previous day’s horse racing results…. I’m not sure what message the Editor was sending there.

Each Day, Dad would carefully scan the names to see who had died. I never understood Dad’s seeming obsession with that.

Now after all the years, I understand…..

Last night I had a series of bizarre dreams. Not bad dreams, just odd ones. One featured a friend from college, a long forgotten friend. Hadn’t seen her in decades, we met up a couple of times in London after college but then we just lost touch, we headed in different life directions. No idea why she suddenly popped up randomly last night but after that dream I wondered what happened to K. So I headed online to see if I could find any mention of her. After a bit of searching I think I maybe found one brief reference to K, right name, right age. If it’s K then she has become some form of Judge, I had heard years back she was training to be a solicitor. Hope this means it’s a good life scenario.

But here’s the thing, alongside hopes of finding news of K in a wonderful life setup, a big part of me was just hoping she was ok, still with us. I think Dad would understand that feeling.

Lake Thun

49 thoughts on “Each Day

    1. As you know by now, I just keep my head below the battlements and under the radar, that way others may think of me as like Schrödinger’s cat (unless we’ve kept in touch) and I’m fine with that both ways too. Does the person I once knew live in the mortal realm or just in my thoughts and the thoughts of the universe?

      Liked by 1 person

      1. If we aren’t in touch with them anyway, it doesn’t makes much of a difference. But it does brings the reality of death nearer to us.


  1. I had a friend at school in England who I had not seen or heard of in 60 years yet she was someone I liked and I have thought of her often. When social media arrived I searched for any trace of her without success. Then one day a message came on twitter: “did we go to school together?” We exchanged a few messages and then she disappeared again. Maybe she had become aware of my online searches and found it creepy. I have no way of knowing. Anyway It was good to know she is still alive, so I understand your feelings. I wonder where such a need comes from.


  2. My grandmother in her last years, would lament being the last of her generation to be alive. Now I understand in a way I didn’t when young. Wasn’t the point to live forever? Not anymore, for I’ve learned that life is rather empty without the ones we love. I’m not anywhere near wanting to leave yet, but I understand the comfort of finding those we love, or are fond of, or even have nice memories, to still be amongst us in the land of the living. The comfort of a blanket of familiarity wrapped around us. Hugs to you today…


  3. What a melancholy stage of life, Gary. I saw that experienced through my late mom’s final years. All the things that matter in the end are just good health and knowing your loved ones are ok. Here’s to good things for K!


  4. Oh yes, Dad would understand, as do I! My grandmother used to do the exact same … glance at the headline, then head straight for the obituaries. Several times in the past year or two, a friend has popped into my mind and, wondering what they were up to now, I headed for Google, only to find out they had died … the most recent one that I went in search of just a few days ago died in 2015, I discovered … nine years ago! And here I am … still ticking along … how many more will go before me, I wonder? Will anybody notice when I’m gone, or will they think of me many years later and go Googling to see whatever became of me?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. it’s a strange sensation when we realize we understand some of our parents behaviors as we grow older and have less time left. Even their more annoying habits seem more normal to me now than they did while i was growing up- like pacing around the house or puttering in the garden..talking about their medical issues and friends that have passed away more and more often. I find myself doing more of these things myself.


  6. I so cam understand that I.on one of my media sites I look up my High-school page to see if our class advisory posted any of my classmates that have passed. There defiently Is logic to it. I’m happy you found your friend and she looks to he good. ❤️


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