Yesterday was one of those almost perfect days. Everything went to plan. An early walk through autumnal parkland. Stunning colours. Early enough that we had the place to ourselves. No need for anxious glances at strangers. A wonderful wide ranging conversation with no distractions.

If you had one of the escaped Jurassic World dinosaurs, how would you disguise it when you took it for a walk?

Why is the Easter Bunny a rabbit and not a mole or lamb or donkey?

Why do footballers dive?

Can you hear explosions in space?

Who would win a battle between a 30ft T-Rex and a 30ft John Cena?

Is there anything in the world that Bear Grylls wouldn’t eat? Could it be Brussel Sprouts?

How would we cope if numbers had not been invented?

Then a day at home. No phone calls. No knocks at the door. No visitors in the neighbours gardens, A day filled with trampolines, playing ball with the dog, Top Trumps, Lego building, water pistol fights and an old ScoobyDoo movie.

A completely relaxed and contented son. No anxiety. No meltdowns. No worries about fitting in. Just happy and laughing.

I said it was almost perfect. Just two improvements.

I just wish his mum was here to join in. And…

It’s a privilege to spend such quality time with my son. I can’t think of anything else I would rather do. But I just wish one day that I can look out of the window and see our son having a similarly wonderful time …. playing regularly with someone his age. Not having to play with his boring old dad. With someone he can call his best friend. That would be the perfect day.

73 thoughts on “Almost perfect

  1. You, sir, are one awesome dad!!! I have so much respect for the time you spend with your son, for your dedication and perseverance. If there is a “Dad of the Year” contest, you are my nominee.

    P.S. The Easter ‘Bunny’ is actually a hedgehog, but don’t let on that I told you.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. You are a fantastic father, particularly for fencing his questions. There’s a book titled What If? that my two oldest have loved wherein the author answers ridiculous questions honestly, albeit ones of a more scientific nature. Maybe your son would like it, especially in a few years?

    Liked by 1 person

      1. NP.
        I also know that Ken Jennings wrote some kind of book about useless trivia for kids that might be good. πŸ™‚ Frankly, my two out-of-the-box thinkers prefer books more like Captain Underpants.

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  3. Awww. You’re not boring old dad, though. He loves spending time with you and, at the moment, you are his best friend. The best friend of his own age will come along, in time. I am a teacher who has worked with lots of autistic kids and, whilst finding that best friend can take time, it happens eventually.

    This might answer the Easter bunny question (probably in more depth than you wanted!):

    Liked by 1 person

      1. πŸ˜‚ I can make it mushy and sticky! And then have to dump it because no one will eat it. Hehe! With one of my pregnancy I just didn’t want to see or smell pasta (yes I said smell!) and since then, me and pasta just don’t have the same dynamic πŸ˜³πŸ€·πŸ½β€β™€οΈ

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  4. I understand how you feel for your son, how you would like him to play with kids his own age. When my teenage son was lonely I wanted so bad to find a girl companion for him. We want our kids to be happy. O do so love his questions πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

  5. I pray for such a friend, too, especially for Biff. His twin brother…I’ve stopped worrying. When I drop them off for school, there’s always someone he’s running to, talking to. Biff runs a few steps, and then just…walks, alone. And my heart cracks at the sight every damn day.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It does break your heart. You feel so helpless. He didn’t see anyone apart from me during the last week off. One day we walked through a park and we were surrounded by groups of kids playing together. And he’s walking through the park with his duffer dad. It did bring a few tears to my eyes.

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      1. I remember when he watched Harry Potter he would be so sad that he didn’t have the close group of friends that Harry had, even though as he said β€˜Harry was different’. All we can do is keep helping and hoping. But it helps me known that I’m not the only parent in this position.

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