I don’t often do this……

I never really check blogger stats. Well I did this morning – great timing. All I can say is that you to everyone. You are so very kind and so very much appreciated.

I think back to 2017 and the first part of 2018. I had just started blogging. In the first year I had 300 views and 20 followers. I was in awe that anyone would take the time to read my waffles. Imagine how I feel now. I get really embarrassed when I see stunning blogs with such brilliantly talented writers with not many views. All I can say is stick with it. If a muppet like me can do it then someone as talented as you can absolutely soar.


82 thoughts on “Thank you

  1. You speak from the heart, have some great topics and are often super funny, that’s why πŸ™‚ Views are not everything though, I write for myself first, others second. If someone wants to follow me then that’s great, but if they don’t, that’s fine too πŸ™‚

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Never before have I come across a blog whose writer can think up so many different things to say each day. So, happy you had something to smile about today. You deserve this, Gary.


  3. I am glad to have found you recently and very glad to read how well this is going for you
    Congratulations! 😊


  4. Congratulations! You have a great and much loved blog. I am glad we are in contact and I appreciate your support of my blog.


  5. No, no, no… thank YOU, Gary Kermit Superdad! Your open, honest, humorous, hopeful words keep us coming back for more!

    And what would I do without Swiss Sunday on Saturday Night?πŸ˜‰πŸ’ŒπŸ’Œ


  6. I think the success of your blog is that you make it personal for us all … you invite us into your home, your family, your life, and you make us care. Congratulations on your up-and-coming stats! We all love you!!! ❀

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Congratulation Gary! I found your blog when WP suggested it as a blog that I should read. I started to read a few posts and realized that this is a blog that I would love to follow. I might not be the one that comment that often, mostly because English is not my native language and that makes it hard to express the feelings and thought that I would like to say. But I always read your posts and I love your photos. The poppy in this post is beautiful.

    Take care and all the best to you and Hawklad!

    Liked by 1 person

  8. You are worth all of it. It is so great watching someone keep on going through all the stuff you are going through. It is obviously going to be a long journey and you are just as obviously in it for the long haul. well done !! hang in there !!.

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Two words. Well, now it’s more like nine words. Totally messed this up now. Now it’s gonna be twenty words. Let’s start over with two words: Your awesome. I had to do a lot of counting for this comment. The things I do for you. πŸ˜€

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Best not do that. I’m not very good. I once had to convince an auditor that my accounting error on the final accounts was down to a new thing called incremental drift. It bought me a year to fix said mess up…. That mess up is still buried deep in the governments accounts….😊


      2. I see… I see… well still better than me. I don’t know anything about incremental drift… just about feeling adrift sometimes. Doing good though…. doing a lot better. 😊

        Liked by 1 person

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