A trip out to the village post box feels like a real adventure. The stuff you can find even on a two minute walk. Definitely saviour those moments.

Today provided a longer trip out. This time a trip pharmacy to pick up a prescription. It felt odd driving in the local town. Actually it just felt odd driving. I admit that I needed to work out which of the 3 peddles was the clutch – how bad is that. Clearly cars are more than just point and go. In the town definitely more signs of the impact of the pandemic. Some places have closed down. Controlled entry queues outside the stores. 2m spacing tape on the pavements. Definitely more masks on view. In the pharmacy Perspex screens and staff dressed like they are about to perform surgery on the customers. Missing items on the prescription, some medicines are just not available. Sign of the times.

School emailed all the parents to let them know that the school has had its first confirmed coronavirus case. It’s stays open and carries on. Will be such a worry for everyone there. Sadly it won’t be the last one. It certainly doesn’t do anything to change the narrative for our son. He’s schooling at home. He’s schooling at home for the foreseeable future.

We carry on.

82 thoughts on “Red

  1. Carry on is the only way to go…
    Same drama round here. We moved up on the measurements scale here. There goes our freedom. Two minute mailbox trips will be our new ‘excitement’ for a while to come.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. We are experiencing something like a tidal wave of a second wave of COVID here in Ontario. Cases have doubled after only one week of school. I really hope they shut down schools again but we have yet to hear such an announcement. Gorgeous pictures!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Iโ€™m ok. Tired today but Iโ€™ve been lacking energy for a few days now. Trying to get myself back to my laptop and emails but Iโ€™d rather nap. Not sure where my motivation and โ€˜zingโ€™ has gone to recently. How are you? Sorry I missed you x

        Liked by 2 people

      1. We had our friends from Edinburgh up last week and had a wander round the Ferry, thena meal and apart from the masks in the pub when you were not seated it was abso like any other day before all this stuff. Even some new shops have opened. We have been very lucky that way where we are. But the supermarket and the homestores I go to… 8 mins drive away, have been great too . I stay out of the large big named ones where I hear its like zombieland .

        Liked by 3 people

  3. Outings definitely are different these days, aren’t they? Now, admittedly, they have long been infrequent occurrences for me even prior to all this due to my physical limitations and living in the sticks. Still, those few I had are mostly reduced to curbside to avoid mask anxiety these days, excepting church. Because our little country community remains able to maintain some level of normalcy, with the prescribed precautions, of course, we are still able to keep that and school going thus far. Continued prayers as you and Hawk lad navigate all this. Keep putting one foot in front of the other. And, love the flowers! My favorite color! ๐Ÿ˜Š

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Aww. That’s rough. I know it’s happened to a lot of churches. But, yep. We are small but, so far, have enough to sustain us. You’re welcome!

        Liked by 2 people

  4. It is such a crazy world right now. Glad you got out for a small errand. I’m sorry they didn’t have everything you needed. I feel the same way. Like Dory – just keep swimming, just keep swimming. We got this!

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I love your photos. That pop of red is definitely a feast for the eyes. So lovely that some things don’t change. They are anchors to remind us that there is still beauty in the world. We’ll hold onto hope and we’ll get through this. Hawklad does have a super dad. So glad that he is safe with you. Praying….

    Liked by 2 people

  6. There have been covid cases in schools here for the past few weeks, almost since they reopened…I read with tongue in cheek: “None of the cases are believed to have been from school transmission which is allowing them to remain open at this time.” (I copied and pasted from the article posted online.) I am not sure if our schools will remain open as talk here is that the second wave is upon us! Time will tell.

    Life is is not very different that what you’re experiencing there, as far as the pandemic is concerned.

    I love the photographs – the berries look yummy. Are they edible? I am glad Hawklad is doing home schooling – it makes me feel better. LOL Have a good day and a good week, Gary.

    Liked by 2 people

  7. Oh my gosh!! You drive a standard!! You got skills lol – no way for me… can not do all that while driving! That would be all bad for me lol – I would not be able to drive your car ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜ฎ

    Iโ€™m glad you keep him home. You do the right thing. โœŒ๏ธ

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Well if I ever come to Yorkshire – you are totally driving lol …

        I want nothing to do with a standard ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ˜ or manual whatever people call them… I canโ€™t be doing thousands of things and driving at the same time … nope… plus my right arm is crap. Just let me put it in drive and step on the gas!

        Thatโ€™s funny – my automatics are odd to you, while your standards are horrific to me lol … we would not drive each otherโ€™s cars lol ๐Ÿ˜„๐Ÿ˜„

        I wonder why most of yours over there are standards??? Most here are automatics … we do have standards but many donโ€™t like them.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Oh see there is a couple issues with that… I have tried already several times… it does not work, I stall it out and grind it constantly, it doesnโ€™t work and end up in a huge fight with whoever is trying to teach me… and then they tell me they wanna get me mad so I can drive it ๐Ÿคจ.. Yeah I literally HATE standards with a severe passion. Not even a consideration

        Also… my right arm is not good… I really donโ€™t have the capability now to be shifting – I would be in an accident for sure … and then also yeah Iโ€™m not doing that many things while Iโ€™m driving – nope ๐Ÿ‘Ž screw that!

        I want nothing to do with them… automatic only. That is one thing I will not budge on EVER! That is a skill I have zero interest in.

        You will never convince me on that one… I am solid as a rock with that.

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I donโ€™t really view it like that… โ€œwhat I get used toโ€ … cause I get used to nothing…

        For me is more โ€œwhat I am willing to acceptโ€

        Liked by 1 person

  8. Beautiful pictures. A nice surprise. My daughter started back to school this week. 2.5 hours a day, am/pm groups to reduce numbers. 5 days a week. Iโ€™m playing taxi and trying to keep up with teaching online from home. We will see.

    Liked by 2 people

  9. YAY!! An errand that required a drive! I’m so glad you got out of the house and took the time to admire the beautiful colors! It just proves what I already knew… you got this!! Some days are plain awful from beginning to end. But some days you get to see lots of pretty!

    Bet you felt a great big “told you so” moment when you read about the Kootie at school. Followed by a huge sigh of relief that it doesn’t affect you and Hawklad!

    Sending HUGS!!!๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿ’Œ

    Liked by 2 people

  10. I cannot believe how far we’ve come in knowledge and technology in the 100+ years since the Spanish Flu, yet these idiots stumble over common sense like drunks in the dark and continue to put us all at risk.

    Prayers to students and teachers for safety and encouragement, and love and light to you and Hawklad.

    Liked by 3 people

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