Proper Fireworks from KISS. Was that really 15 months ago. July 2019. Seems like a lifetime ago. So much has changed. The world has changed. Our world has changed. Could we have predicted that over half of that 15 months would have been spent in lockdown.

We had our own little firework display last night. As I was trying to set it up I started to think. So much has changed since the last time I was doing this. The last time the soil filled plant pots were being dragged onto the lawn. The last time the missile launch site was prepared.

Goodbye school. Goodbye outside trips. Work on hold. No family meet-ups. Ni friend meet-ups. No trail runs. No cinemas. No concerts….

Then a thought struck me. Will those things be back in play the next time I set the fireworks up. I’m not entirely sure. That’s a sobering thought.

41 thoughts on “So much has changed

  1. It is a time of great uncertainty around the world. I am grateful we are still here to contemplate what changes will be wrought as this damnable pandemic continues to wreak havoc. It has really forced me to live one day at a time, and perhaps that’s a good thing. We never did know what the future held and perhaps we took all our blessings for granted, became complacent, thought the days would continue one much the same as the last. This great shaking up is uncomfortable, can produce anxiety at times, but I am finding comfort in my morning prayers. I try to remember that God (or whatever name you give to a higher power) is still in control, that God is good and will bring about something very good from the ashes of this pandemic. Hang in there, Gary. You are not alone. Ever.

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  2. I’m envious. Fireworks are illegal here at all times. It hasn’t stopped people from acquiring major skyrockets that would normally be used by Disneyland or professionally shows… but those go up without warning.

    Even the fireworks at the KISS show look awesome! I haven’t seen fireworks at a concert since 1978!!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Cool.
        We used to have pop-op firework stands that are open from July 1-4 but they only sell “safe & sane” fireworks for home use. And even those are banned in most of Cali. But I know other states allow big fireworks and have shops like you.

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  3. We enjoyed a long fireworks display from our deck this Halloween. Came from three separate places which was quite unusual. But, I think Covid played a part. Parents who didn’t feel comfortable taking their kids out made up for it with a beautiful display of light the entire neighborhood could enjoy! Definitely different from last year, but still special

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  4. Dogzilla HATES fireworks, backfiring cars and any other sudden loud noise. He goes into a barking frenzy. I tried to benadryl into sleepy dreamland for the 4th but he still barked his Big Dumb Head off.🤷🏼‍♀️

    I learned a long time ago that absolutely anything could (and frequently *does*) happen, so I just focus on right now. I have my plan to run away in 10 years or less, but that’s the only future event I think about.
    The Kootie has made a lot of people realize what’s always been true… the future is unwritten. Endless possibilities… best to just enjoy the time we have right now!

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  5. Ah concerts, I miss them too. I was to see Nickelback for the 7th time this summer and that obviously didn’t happen. Jason and I actually found on PBS the other week a concert of Metallica with the San Fransisco symphony orchestra. It was really cool other than PBS running speals after every few songs trying to get people to donate money to them. I understand they need donations to operate but it was killing the concert vibe. I’ve always wanted to see Trans Siberian Orchestra perform live and just discovered that they’re doing a live streaming event in December for only $30 a ticket! I bought one as a Christmas gift to myself.

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