A simple trip out to the local Post Office. Ok it’s a 6 mile round trip but it’s the only option unless you want to venture much further into town or city. I went with my work parcel, money and mask.

On Monday the Government lifted Covid Restrictions across England. Clearly infections aren’t rapidly rising and we don’t have the highest infection rate currently in the world.

I counted 7 other people in the shop/post office. I was the only one wearing a mask. The bloke next to me helpfully reminded me that masks weren’t required anymore because the Prime Minister had said so. I kindly reminded him that was not the message our A&E doctors and nurses are desperately trying to get across. That’s the thing. While our NHS teams are having leave cancelled to cover reopening COVID wards the Government and its MPs are just about to start their summer holidays. I also asked the chap to back away as he was now within 1 metre of my face. For some reason he seemed to take great offence at that.

Just like with most things the one thing our Government is great at is creating divisions in society. One group against the next. Well they have just done it again…..

50 thoughts on “Masks

  1. Mask or no mask, there is still–or should be–such a thing as respecting the personal space of another. This is going to be a nightmare that continues for a long time due to the differences in ways it is treated. Masks required, not required, shut it all down, open in all up.

    Liked by 4 people

  2. It is so difficult. In Liechtenstein, no masks are required anymore, except in public transportation or any body-related services. In Switzerland, you need to wear masks everywhere. But of course, compared to the UK we are having very low numbers… yet!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Yes, divide will continue unfortunately. I will continue to wear my mask when shopping, at Post Office, public transport etc.. I hope no one reminds me of masks not needed I may be just sarky and say god help you and everyone if he says jump.

    Liked by 2 people

  4. It’s a shame this terrible pandemic has been politicized resulting in Conflicting messages and often no action taken by our local government. Florida had the highest rate of infection in the US yet our governor refuses to issue any mandates. Misinformation from Trump and social media has created two societies here, The vaccinated and the unvaccinated.

    Liked by 2 people

  5. I will continue to wear a mask. On public transport – which is rare. In shops, and in work. I see lots of older folk still wearing them – and I fall into that category. It’s my choice!!

    I avoid close contact with others anyway – so no different.

    Liked by 3 people

  6. Here in Alberta, Canada our premier has also scrapped the mask mandate, except in hospitals, medical clinics and on public transit. Most people are not wearing masks. Yet, while numbers of covid cases are low the delta variant is gaining a foothold. But our premier, in all his (questionable) wisdom is reassuring the public that we have come through the worst of it. (Not sure where government obtained the crystal ball, but wish I could have a peek into the future.)

    Good for you for sticking up for yourself. We get the odd person looking askance at us because we’re still wearing masks and that’s okay. Let ’em.

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      1. We have a health director-general who just last week begged the nation to do all it could because our healthcare system was breaking down. And it was. Bodies piling up. Refridgerated trucks becoming morgues. Covid wards in the hospital carparks. This week, he said 70% of our infections were Cat 1 which meant home care. Look at the difference just a couple of days can make.


  7. Good for you! I’m still wearing my mask and intend to do so for a while. It’s the civil thing to do. And personal space is important whether there is a pandemic or not!! 🤨 ❤️

    Liked by 4 people

  8. Me too will be wearing mask everywhere I go even though here in Finland people are also reduced the use of the mask. I can’t understand that. Infections have been on the rise here so it should be used! Obviously people think that they are safe if they have got even only one vaccine but they’re not! I have also got my first one and still be afraid of Delta.
    I also keep a good distance from others. Many do not seem to understand this! I’m sorry but I can’t help myself wonder what’s wrong with people!!

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  9. And will continue to do it until all their faithful anti-vaxxers are dead, and unable to vote for them anymore. Their loss, but they are too stupid to think that far ahead.

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  10. I don’t know why other people think it is their business? A few weeks ago, D and I were at the store and he was wearing a mask in what feels like a maskless environment now. A lady came up to me and asked me how old he was. I told her 9 and was expecting her to say something along the lines of “Wow, he’s a big boy” because he is. Instead, she said, “He looks old enough to have been vaccinated. He’s only 9?????” She didn’t even want to buy anything on the aisle we were on. She just chased down the mask to police us. Crazy. I’m working vacation Bible school this week with our church and masking. I kind of let the environment dictate if I dare to go mask-free or not. But really, my choice should be no one else’s concern. Good for you standing up for yourself!

    Liked by 1 person

  11. Well done to you! Who did that bozo think he was anyway?! My state has just gone into a lock down for 7 days, I had to go to the shops today, and everyone was behaving. It was really nice to see as well though, even though it’s forced. People were still laughing and joking. I would say if the PM told us to jump off a cliff, and then health and medical professions told you not. You’re saying you’d still listen to the PM. Now sashay away.


  12. It’s the old story – some of us will continue to wear masks because it’s good for society and others will just do what they want, often based on “science”they read on the internet. W still have a customer who believes he virus was created by world governments for some purpose – he’s not sure what the purpose is, or which government has benefitted . . .

    Liked by 1 person

  13. Here in Tennessee in the Bible Belt of the U.S. people who haven’t worried about wearing a mask through the Covid mess say things like “If it’s our time to go, it’s our time to go.” But what if it’s not MY time to go and you infect me??


  14. Cat Daddy and I are still wearing ours. It really does vary from place to place: in Sainsbury’s today most people wore them, including staff. In Morrisons: nobody. (Not that I’ve been to Morrisons since Monday but this was the case WITH rules so I can’t imagine they’d improve WITHOUT rules.)


  15. Sadly masks are evidence now of consideration for other people or not.
    Plus a clear flag as to whether people believe medical professionals or government soundbites and the Daily Mail.


  16. It is much the same here. State governments are afraid to put mask mandates back in place and order the closing of non-essential businesses, even though our new cases and deaths are climbing significantly again. And the 30% or so who refuse to be vaccinated are trotting all over the place, sans masks, spreading their germs. I went to the grocery this morning … out of the 50 or so people I saw, only one other besides myself was wearing a mask. Until everyone — governments and citizens — take this seriously, we will continue to see new variants, rising cases, and more death. Sigh.


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