It’s funny how those long hidden memories suddenly decide to reawaken.

We were on our way to Switzerland by train, a day after an incident on a train from Amsterdam to Paris. Armed police were swarming everywhere. Usually a wonderful, restful trip from London to Paris, then Paris to Strasbourg, then Strasbourg across the border to Switzerland. This time it was distinctly edgy.

Just out of Paris, a young mother got really spooked by soldiers patrolling up and down the train with a machine guns. This upset her young son. Step forward a French passenger who was clearly a cartoonist. Out of his bag came sketch books and pens. For the next three hours he drew wonderful cartoons and drawings for the child. Whatever the child asked for, he drew amazingly. The young mum smiled, the young child laughed, so did everyone around them.

That proved to be our last trip to Switzerland as a family of 3 and amongst the emotions around that, I completely forgot this wonderful cartoonist. Now thankfully I can see it all clearly again.

What’s the line …..

Heroes don’t have to wear a cape…..

50 thoughts on “French Cartoon

  1. Oh the things I’ve done to distract children when necessary. Anyone for a traditional disposable rubber glove balloon? Anyone? No? How about a strong brown cardboard hat, that if you feel sick can quickly be turned upside down and is ready to puke into? No? Well then, in desperation, there’s always taking shoes off and using the stinky sock 🧦 puppets to talking to each other about the hairs up someone important’s nose.


  2. There are more heroes in this world than we csn ever know about. That you and your family got to see one just before the hardship hit is amazing. Your memory is another sign of your continuing progress back to normality. You are allowing yourself to live, and more importantly, “feel” again.

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  3. Those wonderful memories come when you need them most. They are a necessary part of loss, the ones that alleviate sadness, even if just for a moment.


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