The last post left the unscripted day trip deep in Kielder Forest.

Right Dad it’s time to have a closer look at one of Northern Europe’s largest man made Lakes. Rutland is larger but Kielder holds more water. Don’t worry I’m not expecting you to go swimming. The water will be too cold.

That’s a good job as a I can’t swim and I don’t fancy a bout of frostbite. I later checked those facts. Apparently Kielder holds 44 billion gallons of water. That’s an awful lot of trips to the toilet. It tends to be full at all times. It has a number of natural springs feeding it plus let’s not forget the weather.

With the autumnal like wind whipping across the lake and the breaking waves – it did feel like a seaside walk.

I’m guessing it is just under York Minster deep. That’s about 235ft. I’m going to say about 70 metres as Boris Johnson will hate that. He hates everything from Europe or that is what he wants people to think. Some people will fall for that.

Ok can’t miss a bit of of annoying our Buffoon of a Leader – so Kielder holds 200 billion litres.

Wouldn’t it be great if Kielder had its very own Loch Ness Monster. Ok it’s a manmade lake built in 1982. But the monster could have migrated here. What do you think Dad.

How about a Megalodon.

No legs or wings so it’s not migrating in a hurry. I’m seeing either a Spinosaurus or a very large otter.

Unfortunately I didn’t have the opportunity to explore the monster otter concept as suddenly a large military plane swept low over us and across the lake. My ancient mobile didn’t do it justice.

Dad what time is it. Have we got time for one more place. We are on a roll now.

It’s 3pm let’s see what we can find. So back at the car. Is it Left or Right.


Final part of the road trip takes us back in time.

48 thoughts on “Kielder Water

  1. I would strongly suspect that whatever education your son is getting from his school is only holding him back. He seems more than able to engage his innate scholastic learning abilities to educate himself better than his peers already – despite his school’s best attempts. 😠

    Those are great shots of the plane! They’re good enough for me to confidently identify it as a Special Operations Lockheed Hercules MC-130J military transport workhorse – with wing-mounted refuelling tanks! (This one seems to be marked as a USAF plane??) Seeing it would have been awesome! 🙂

    Liked the shot of the couple enjoying their day at the lake! 😉

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Those are really great pictures. And I bet SOMETHING big and cool is in there 🙂 We have a man made lake near us too – the cool part about ours is that there is a town in it. Well, the town was once there and now a lake is. I’ve always wondered if one goes down if they could still see some of the old buildings. I liked the airplane too – that is really cool!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. With the kids going back are you going back to the gym? Plus it must me time for a race soon. Still doing my cycle round the world thing. Deep down resigned to not running for at least a few months more. So in a routine of my age in minutes workout. Cycle, leg work and weights. The age thing is something I’ve done for years. Every year the workout goes up by one minute. It supposed to make me feel like I am getting fitter.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. I hope to, or I guess I should say, I plan to. Yes, I am still keeping up with my runs – it is just so hot and humid that I go so slow and feel so bad. I am scheduled for a race soon but I don’t feel like racing especially in the heat. I like your plan! That is a really good idea – may have to use it!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I’m on another marathon training plan so I am pushing the distance once a week. Last week was 15. What I would like to train for is to break 4 hours. But I run awful in the heat. I think my pace on the 15 was 10:13. So I am trying to keep time out of my mind and just focus on getting the long runs done because once the weather breaks I should pace better. I haven’t registered for the marathon yet. Always like to get through a big chunk of the training to be sure I am ready. The race I have coming up is a half. But I don’t feel like racing in the heat. They have this thing where you can run a 5K and then the half – I may do that. I would rather run 16.2 miles than race 13. So weird. (Sorry so long – my runs are heavy on my mind 🙂 )

        Liked by 1 person

      4. No this is great. I can understand that I hated 1/2 marathons as I felt the longer races people came back to my pace. I remember a few years ago training for a half marathon then a full marathon a month later. Like you set myself goal of 4hrs and 1-40. The 1/2 ended up being into being too hot – struggled in just under 2 hours. The marathon I couldn’t sustain sub 10.00 pace. A climber suggested I try running with some stones in a backpack then when the marathon came I would fly. Did seemed to be working but life got in the way and I had to miss the race. Still want to revisit it. See you have got me at it now. x

        Liked by 1 person

      5. Another reason I do not register too far in advance is because I have registered early before and then had to sit out of two marathons due to injury. Give your body the healing time it needs and then hopefully you’ll be able to train again. We could cheer each other on in our training! That would be fun. Most of my runs are indoor on my treadmill. Last week was my first time out in the heat – 15 was too long to stare at a wall 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

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