If only we had the technology that the Time Lords build into things like The Tardis. Much bigger on the inside than on the outside. Doctor Who tech let rip on domestic appliances and the home would be so cool. No more crammed to breaking point drawers and cupboards. Think of the clothes, towels and bedding you could get into one washing machine load. No more having to sit on the freezer lid to try and force it shut.

We don’t have a big freezer. But it should be perfectly big enough for just two of us. That’s the theory anyway. The reality is rather different. It’s full to bursting. Like Homer Simpson’s brain – as something pops in then something has to pop out to make space for it.

Well today I had enough. Time for a freezer audit. What on earth is in there.

Many ice lollies. Burgers, sausages (lots of them), pizzas. A few random bags of frozen veg. Three bags of chips (I know what I’m having tonight). A few bags of ‘I know not what’. But then the main culprit was identified.

BREAD. Three frozen loafs. And more. I’ve tried to be more careful with food wastage this year. As a result any unused slices of bread have been carefully frozen over the many months. The result, A BREAD MOUNTAIN. That many slices came out of the freezer, I am sure the earth tilted slightly on its axis. What was this muppet thinking about.

The end result is that we will be eating toast and sandwiches at every sitting for weeks. The birds will be spectacularly well fed over most of winter.

The days of Dr Who Freezers cannot come quick enough for me.

39 thoughts on “How many

  1. Maybe you could cut them into cubes, coat with cinnamon (not Moroccan season) and sugar and let them dry out like croutons. Your own, homemade sweet snack. Or like the other commenter wrote, bread pudding, which I’ve heard of but never tried.
    You’ve got lots of bread to eat with your soups and stews now.๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿ’Œ๐Ÿ’Œ

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Chip butties …. yum ๐Ÿ˜‹
    I did the same today .. freezer audit ready for defrosting. Iโ€™ve had to throw some tubs out … no idea what they contained and I didnโ€™t want to risk it! X

    Liked by 1 person

  3. LOL well, there could be worst problems (and there are). But, I hear you. We only have the freezer compartment of the refrigerator. It’s incredible how quickly it fills up. Yet, thought we’ve talked about buying a freezer but my experience has not been good when it comes to those appliances. We end up stocking up on things, freezing them, and then throwing out a fair bit because food gets freezer burned and tastes awful or else it’s outdate and inedible.

    Hey! Thanks, You helped me decide that having a freezer is not all that necessary. LOL.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It’s amazing just what goes into a freezer, and what seems to stay there almost permanently. I used to deal with that in my fridge freezer when I had to defrost it periodically, but the frost free fridges don’t offer that opportunity. I have come to a place where I store frozen veggies and fruit and a bit of meat and not much else in my 7 cubic foot freezer. In my fridge freezer I keep bread, oats and a few other things so neither freezer is even near full. I rather like it that way.


  5. I have a giant box freezer in the garage that I stopped using for the same reason. I had no idea what was in there and I just kept stuffing it. Now I just use our regular freezer and the same thing happens – there is always the “what was this thing?” moments and dinners for the week. Well, I hope you enjoy the bread ๐Ÿ™‚

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