What a lovely sunset.

Last night Hawklad reminded me that this Sunday last year was when we first talked isolating. I remember it quite well. A Sunday evening. I was sorting out the school bags for Monday morning. Hawklad came into the room and asked how did we know that this new virus wasn’t already in school. How did we know the bus was virus free. Should we stay off school until it passes. I tried to reassure him but I could sense his anxiety. I emailed the school to let them know that he was anxious. When he’s anxious it can throw off his ability to sit still and concentrate.

He did get to school the next day but not by school bus. He asked to be driven in. A few days later school proved too much for him and our family lockdown started. Soon the world changed.

It’s odd looking back. Its hard to believe that we have been isolating for nearly a year now. I wouldn’t have dreamed that I could have coped with that much isolation fit that long. A world suddenly constricted to our garden and house.

But we have…….

We can do this.

64 thoughts on “Sunset

  1. Strange, looking back, at how well most things have gone. Empty shelves, lack of toilet paper, queues, isolation. People generally seem to have handled it well. Sadly there are afew who want to go “back to normal” as soon as possible, and risk spoiling the work done by others. We will have to see how it goes.

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Lolsy, I never did get that toilet paper thingy. Out of all the things you think you would need to get when you’re about to be left stranded on a dessert island, 🌴 bog roll didn’t cross my mind. I can understand puzzles, books and music instruments, but bog roll?

        Liked by 2 people

      2. I know! I still have no idea about why that happened. I bought big pack that was on sale last year, and we’re still going through it lol At worst you’d have to stay in your house for two weeks, but the supermarkets have been open the whole time.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. It’s not been easy, especially for those with anxieties, mental illness or those who’ve experienced losses. But we’re not alone. We will get through this. Take care of yourself Superdad. ❤

    Liked by 4 people

  3. You have so much more strength than you give yourself credit for. I know it’s still bumpy at times, but as much as the year seemed to drag at times, it’s also kinda hard to believe it’s been a year.

    You SOOO got this! And we’re here to help when you’re feeling low.💌💌💌

    Liked by 1 person

    1. He has done really well and plodded on beautifully, they both have got through thus far and proving it is possible and so will indeed keep up the good work. 💞 Connection to any of us and our encouragement is ever only just a thought away.

      Liked by 2 people

    1. At least his long year has been shared with someone lovely, a wee bit dotty (we all love that part) and self deprecating (stop that), but ultimately just exactly what Hawklad needs. Go on, ask me that thing you do, that “Say that again” thing, it’s hilarious. The reply is “… with someone lovely”.

      Liked by 1 person

  4. It is unbelievable how much we are capable of when it is necessary. Still, crazy to remember what we thought or expected a year ago and where we are today.


  5. Gosh, I didn’t realise it’s almost a year since this whole thing exploded upon us! I share your cautious awe that against all odds, we came through okay. Not perfectly, not unscathed, but it could have been far worse. It’s hasn’t played out fully. Many more miles to go. But if you look back at how much of the distance you’ve covered, it does call for a small celebration.
    That beautiful sunset is a good start.

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