Looking over the Vale of York I was pondering life. Pondering the wonderful things that I already have and what extra wonders might still come my way. I can definitely still dream big.

If you had asked me back in 2016 and 2017 I would have scoffed at the thought. Grief cruelly robbed me of many things including dreams. My dreams require a vision of future. Back then I could see no future, just a black void. I could only live through my son. It was his future and nothing else. Give him the happiest childhood possible. One day he would leave home and for me, that was it.

But with time dreams did come back and when they did it was like a dam bursting. I could hope again. I could see positive futures. Yes the old dreams are gone but new and very different dreams have replaced them.

Hope and dreams might be hidden but they are usually there somewhere. Maybe it just needs a bit of time and a period of pain. Maybe they need a chance meeting or a seemingly random event. But when dreams are rediscovered they might just be better than ever.

29 thoughts on “Dreams

  1. I’m healthy and at a knowledgeable stage of “I don’t know” especially of what my future holds, but that I’m not sure it any of my business and of got plenty to be getting on with in this day…


  2. I remember after my divorce when i finally started having glimmerings of what openness the future held, the promise…it was enough to hold onto knowing that things would get better in time. Here’s to future dreaming!


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