I was just a few steps away from this sea of purple. It’s was warm, yes Yorkshire can do that sometimes. Deep Blue Skies, rare but yes it can happen even here. So I decided to do the morning yoga (yep I’ve gone full on hippy) under the shade of the apple tree. I found a small patch of grass which hadn’t been dug up by our active tunnelling Mr Mole and off I went twisting, bending and groaning.

A few moments later the helpful yoga instructor blasting out of the iPhone encouraged everyone to undertake a form of torture. Wrapping one leg around an arm, doing the same on with the other leg and then balancing on what limbs remained still free to move. I might have misheard her….. Anyways it wasn’t a pretty site. I felt like an iPhone which had just been permanently bent out of shape. Funnily enough we have a story on that one to come…. I thought yoga was supposed to be relaxing, this is just brutal.

Is yoga out to get me….

Yes it is….

A few hours later we were walking the mad dog down one of the narrow village lanes when a car headed our way. Hawklad went one way and I headed towards the other fence. I recognised the driver and waved. Unfortunately at the very same moment I stepped in a rabbit hole and suddenly entered into an out of control stumble, culminating in me trying to fall nose first over the fence. I clearly gave the driver a really good giggle. And here’s the thing. The driver is a yoga instructor. I’m clearly on the yoga naughty list.

Yoga is out to get me.

39 thoughts on “Out to get me

  1. Oh dear. I’m so sorry if I am chuckling at your mishaps but you have a wonderful way of finding the humour and levity in things, Gary. Hope your evening is far less eventful!

    Liked by 4 people

      1. Oh geez, my nephew has one of those. We had to wait for everyone and their wife to stop looking at it and wanting to look inside it and compliment it and all that is in it, before we could go into the club to play snooker. I like and prefer my ol’ car/tractor, the only cost me £150 keeps going and has parts bought from a scrap yard, because no one holds me up to ogle at it.


  2. Are you trying to show me up? I thought I was the most creatively accident prone person😲 Here you are, falling over fences and tying yourself in knots, just to steal my crown.

    No worries. My broken toe is feeling better, I’m sure there’s an inanimate object just waiting to jump in front of me😉 I’ll have my crown back in no time😂😂😂


    Liked by 2 people

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