Every Christmas my mum would always check to see if Terry Pratchett had a new book out. It was always her go to present for me. It became a tradition. Looking back she bought me every book in the series since the first one came out in 1985. I have read all of his books except the last one. He is without doubt my favourite author. Funny, clever, inspirational and with a boundless imagination. The last book was written as his Alzheimer’s took hold. He wasn’t able to finish the planned final scene as his heath rapidly deteriorated.

Sadly both my mum and Terry have now left us.

I miss those Christmas evenings. Sat by the fire. The new Pratchett book in one hand and a box of miniature Cadbury chocolate bars in the other (mums second go to present).

After mum left us I had one final discworld novel to read. But I just couldn’t bring myself to do it. It just didn’t seem right. The tradition was broken. I think part of me also realised that it would be a deeply emotional process as well. Memories of two stunningly beautiful people flooding the pages of the final novel.

But now the we have crossed the line. The Shepherds Crown has arrived by post. The 41st and final discworld novel. Tonight I will start this cathartic experience. It won’t be easy but as it’s a Pratchett novel, it will also be brilliantly funny. The mini chocolate bars will be replaced with copious amounts of black coffee. I don’t think I am ever going to have such a book reading experience again – it feels like a once in a lifetime event.

The process has started I read the first couple of lines. Even those brought a tear to my eye. This one is for you Mum and Terry.

It was born in the darkness of the Circle Sea; at first just a soft floating thing, washed back and forth by tide after tide. It grew a shell , but in its rolling tumbling world there were huge creatures which could have cracked it open in an instant.”

44 thoughts on “This funny book is going to make me cry…

  1. That’s how I felt about ice cream sandwich bars. My grandmother loved them and I would eat them with her. When she died I couldn’t eat them, much less look at them.

    I do now because of my daughter. I have new traditions now. I have to. I felt being under the waves of grief was holding me back.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. If we are to fully appreciate this life we live then it cannot be one-sided, with only ever happy memories – we have to experience both sides, appreciating each for what they can give to us, however difficult that can be at times.

    Treasure the book, relish in it, come what may.

    … and have a big box of tissues or a pile of hankies handy. 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ah Terry. I’m a long way short of them all but I agree with his imagination. As unique as Douglas Adams. If they had a spawn I don’t think the paper could have been designed that wouldn’t have flambed itself with laughter. Just reading the co-authored Good Omens He did with Gaiman. You can feel Pratchett throughout it. Genius. Enjoy your treat….

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Although I’ve not read that one, I assume it’s a Tiffany Aching book. I think they are my favourites. The witches and the chalkland settings that Pratchett so clearly loved are wonderfully done.

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  5. This is why I haven’t touched all the Sherlock Holmes books of my father’s. It’s so bloody hard to read them without hearing his voice, which makes me smile and cry all at once. x But do take the journey, and read. And maybe your son will walk this same journey through Disc World, too. xxxxxx

    Liked by 1 person

  6. It is a terrible shame about Pratchett. His novels were a lot of fun… even though some of them seemed to be four hundred page set ups for really bad puns.

    I think the Night Watch novels were my favorite…

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  7. Terry Pratchett has been one of my favorite authors for a long time, and for a long time I read everything he wrote as soon as the paperback was available. My reading fell away a bit when the kids were born, so I have a fair bit of catching up to do…

    Enjoy the book 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

      1. They do. I’m enjoying the fact that they are all a bit older now and a bit less demanding and am slowly catching up on my backlog of unread books. Still a long way to go though.

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