Last night we were watching the new Sonic the Hedgehog movie. Yes we really do like to stretch our cultural boundaries. A couple of times during the movie I found myself thinking – wish I could visit that location. I’ve been doing that quite often recently. Can’t really blame the pesky virus completely for that. I was having those thoughts before the lockdown. Our Son’s world is naturally contracting. So mine is as well. The last time we spent more than one night away from our home was back in 2015. Sporadic day trips and the daily run partially helped fill my mind with some connection to the wider world.

So after Son had gone to bed I went in search of photos. Photos which would remind me of trips and holidays. Soon I was back in Northumberland with my partner. A week in a gypsy cottage.

Walking alongside Hadrians Wall and in the footsteps of Roman soldiers, almost 2000 years ago. Touching and drinking in ancient history.

Enjoying the open spaces. Hardly meeting another soul. Feeling that cold northern wind and walking on the soft moorland. Feeling no limits and letting the map decide the route.

Places like Northumberland have a unique atmosphere. A bleakness. An almost somber beauty.

And then a reminder of why I am so thankful for life.

78 thoughts on “The need for travel

  1. Look at that smile! I’ll bet Son could be convinced to visit that same open, historical place with you. After it’s safe to do so of course.

    There are so many places I’d love to see. The UK, all of Europe, a lot of Asia, Australia, New Zealand… everywhere, actually😆
    I do my traveling virtually. I even use Google Earth. I went to the pyramids that way.

    Thanks for showing me Hadrian’s Wall. I’ve read about it, and now I’ve seen it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Places like Northumberland have a unique atmosphere. A bleakness. An almost somber beauty.

    The Northumberland I live in looks onto Lake Ontario. Nestled between the rolling hills formed by retreating glacier are many picturesque hamlets and rich farmland.

    Liked by 3 people

      1. Was teaching in western Canada for 5 years. Then when we decided to move back to be closer to family we decided to look for jobs in Northumberland County. Never regretted the decision.

        Liked by 1 person

  3. Oh wow, what a gorgeous smile and beautiful lady. I wonder if your son would consider visiting places his mum loved? Or is that too emotional for him? I guess that could induce anxiety more so. I really hope, in time, you can stretch your personal lockdown boundaries a little x

    Liked by 2 people

  4. I stretch my cultural boundaries several times a week… courtesy of Disney+.

    But would love to visit France and Germany again. One day.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Could’ve punched his smug face yesterday when I watched the daily briefing. He just couldn’t help give a tiny smug smile as he announced they’d hit the testing target. When though 25,000 plus have died already, they were too late with test and trace and they are inflating the figures anyway. Horrid man x

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yes he failed to mention that included 50000 tests they had posted out. Not actual tests performed with no guarantee of when they will be actually processed. That’s like me saying I’ve wrote out to 50000 of the most beautiful women on the planet and asking them if they would like a date with me. Then claiming I was dating all of them. x

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