There was a time when you could put some faith in the UK Government doing the right thing and providing a modicum of truth…….

So the Government are instructing parents to send their kids back to school after the summer holidays. The clear message is that it is perfectly safe. No need to worry. In fact no need for schools to observe most of the current pandemic and social distancing regulations. Those things just complicate the return process. Parents who fail to comply will be fined.

On the other hand….

A number of areas are reporting spikes in Corona Virus cases particularly amongst the younger age groups. The Director of Public Health from Liverpool issued the following warning – “this is a really dangerous moment for case numbers and we need people not to let their guard down.”

When the Prime Minister’s Chief Advisor broke lockdown rules he was defended by our so called leader. Johnson said the following “he behaved responsibly and with integrity and followed the instincts of every father.”

I will happily see you in court Boris….

86 thoughts on “Really

  1. I mentally go back and forth on this as well. Our school reports*at this time* they hope to go back to a full five day week at school. The past two weeks I’ve watched football and soccer practices and the kid’s masking behavior and *lack* of social distancing when they are exiting their fields. Schools are not going to be able to control the guidelines they will no doubt put in place.

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      1. I still can’t figure out how he got in with such a massive majority, I mean, obviously more people voted for him, but why? Is it the fact that we looked across the waves and thought you know what we need a slightly more subtle Trump

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  2. Ultra Republican Orange County is also saying back to school, no precautions required as they might harm children (???). While the counties that border Orange, LA and San Diego, have officially declared online only when school resumes in about a month. And, yesterday, Calif re-closed indoor non-essential business… bars, nail/hair/tattoo salons, church, indoor dining, etc. I feel so sorry for all the people who thought they had jobs/businesses again, only to be closed once more… esp those that suffered riot damage. It’s gonna be a hard year for more than just me.

    Which reminds me: How are you getting groceries/sundries when you’re fairly isolated and Hawklad’s fear?

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      1. That’s great! Are you required to submit a min $$ order or pay for the service? Most of our markets require a min $35 order for free delivery, otherwise it costs about $5.99

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    1. I’m in San Diego County and it really bums me out that the schools need to stay closed. Ben’s autism non-public school was going to do 2 days a week on campus. We tried Zoom for the first time today with his speech and OT teacher… it didn’t go well.

      SD County was doing good, we were on the right track, then people crammed the beaches and bars and our numbers have exploded. Stupidity makes me SO angry!

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      1. That sucks. I heard that LA county is attempting to make special accommodations for students with learning issues but I’m sure it’s never enough.

        I also worry about kids like my neighbor, who has too much energy and parents who don’t have the skills to cope. She and her mother get into gigantic fights and I worry that the unspent energy is going to become violence soon.

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      2. Yeah, Ben has ADHD too. That unspent energy can be a challenge. It’s a tough time for everyone. We aren’t used to so much togetherness. Well, my daughters and Ben and I are, but most people don’t spend this long together. Add in stress from finances, heat from summer, a kiddo bouncing off the wall… hopefully it won’t cross the line into violence.

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      3. Yeah. The mom has NO control over the kid (or anything), mentally checks out. The kid is on meds but I wonder if they’re helping or aggravating her mental state. From knowing her, I question the diagnosis. From experience, the meds are speed and if ADHD isn’t the actual problem, or a different variety is needed, then they’re fuel to a fire.

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      4. Ben literally cannot be still when his ADHD is bad. He grinds his teeth he paces, he will run and play and overheat and be panting for breath and still jittery.
        ADHD can be a lazy parent’s excuse. We didn’t even try ritalin until 2nd or 3rd grade… he couldn’t sit still in class… at all. Then when the ritalin made him aggressive we immediately stopped and wrote off the ADHD meds. His current doctor took the time to explain that people often react differently to the two meds. If Hawklad can sit and concentrate, he doesnt need the meds. It shouldn’t be the first option anyway. IMO.๐Ÿ’Œ

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      5. For me Adderall is okay for a day or 2 but then makes me irritable and uncomfortable… like when I was on prescription speed. I heard about one that starts with a V but don’t recall the full name.

        I’m trying to find out what the neighbor is on. All I know is that her parents tell her they’re “vitamins for ADHD” and that she HATES taking them. In my experience with meds, hating how they make you feel is a strong sign that they’re not right.

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      6. It’s an extremely dysfunctional family. I think the mother should leave…at least long enough for all parties to figure out if they miss each other or are happier. But I’m sure she doesn’t have the confidence.


      7. What I worry about is that so many kids and families are in such different circumstances. We should be trying to develop a range of options so that they can try the one that best fits them. But here itโ€™s one fit for all.


      8. I totally agree! The long term effects of all this are impossible to predict. I also think kids might not mind the isolation as much as adults because many already prefer communicating by txt & social media. But who knows?

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  3. it is unbelievable that that lunatic is not lifted under the terms of his own emergency legislation and incarcerated right now for the safety of all of you down south. He is such a liar I don’t know how anyone would now know if he was telling the truth or not, trust him accordingly or anything. We are literally sitting up here watching the horror unfold down your way from that bellend Sunak handing out meal vouchers like the Childcatcher in Chitty Bang Bang did lollipops, for those ‘dying’ to eat out, to the two bellends, Gove and Johnson arguing over masks.
    To return to Sunak, even if your infection rate wasn’t scooting up right left and centre, but hey you are all doing very well and it is ALL of it under control, who the hell wants to eat out, paying a fortune–which many families and people do not have right now, thanks to the shambolic handling of this since day one — to sit behind screens and talk quietly and all that shit. That’s not what people go out to do.

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    1. Itโ€™s just headline grabbing. An opportunity for some photos then it will be ditched in a few weeks. Money is tight so restaurants are going to become a luxury item. Like those old 2 meals for ยฃ5 Times vouchers – ended up costing you ยฃ30 quid in the end.

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      1. Abso re the headline grabbing Also ..well we never did the Times vouchers but yep the av cost of a meal in many places., plus the shove on stuff etc, let alone the high cost stuff .sometimes for pedestrian food… is something to question at the best of times. And to borrow a line from Dickens, this is the worst of times. Money is tight for so many people. Before all this broke we finally spent an anniversary voucher in a moderate posh place and the food was dreadful We did it on the 2- 5pm meal deal which we had to ask for after they gave us the fancy ancy, or the three times the price for the same meal menus. The menus the waitress apparently knew nothing about and would have to ask the manager for So equally, it is also time that certain places stopped thinking we are all meal deals that way, looked at their overheads and stopped getting too big for the size 4’s. .


  4. well, all i can say is thank the heavens if you aren’t in the U.S. i am sure just reading about our country makes everyone else cringe and rightly so. Everything here is in absolute chaos and people are dying left & right. It has been so poorly handled with the POTUS pushing for everything re opening since almost 2 weeks after it started and pushing back against responsible state governors who were just trying to do their job. Massive unrest & conflict, division and fear.While many ( usually conservative) parents are hailing the kids going back to school ,mainly to “get them out of their hair” the more responsible folk are continuing with online studies and homeschooling rather than risk their children lives a swell as teachers…crazy world.

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  5. I’m not sure if I shared this thought before…I am totally baffled by reopening schools and I am against it. However, they have reopened the rest of society (at least here they have, but have recently shut down bars..but that’s it) Education is one of the most important things. Also at least they will be surrounded by teachers and peers who can encourage and enforce safety practices such as social distancing. We need to be complaining more about everything else they have opened where they are not really enforcing anything I feel more so than schools. You are probably much like me though and out raged about it all in general.

    It is like the mask rule they have mandated here recently…okay cool I get it. Everyone should wear a mask in public and some outdoor places. So why are diners and restaurants still open? You cannot wear a mask when you are eating, and people are going to these places everyday like it’s no big deal. I just drove past a diner today and it was packed, the parking lot was full and you could just tell by driving by it looked packed with people inside. I am like um wtf is this? So there are apparently exceptions to the mask rule and those are you can eat in public places without a mask and they are still allowing the protests to continue, people can go to the beach and just freely hang out, hug each other with no masks on or whatever. IT MAKES NO SENSE. They shouldn’t have even bothered making masks mandatory if they are taking all these other risks. I’d much rather see them enforce social distancing than a mask rule or both. Our socialistic behavior and ignorance is what is getting us in trouble, not three idiots deciding not to wear a mask. Get what I mean? haha

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Exactly! I personally still follow the social distancing rule as much as possible (Although I do naturally even when there is not a pandemic because people give me anxiety) but some people still are ignorant and like to get up in my bubble, so I definitely appreciate the mask rule. I am avoiding things like restaurants because it makes no sense to have a mask rule and still a ‘hazard’ but go hang out with a bunch of people eating not wearing masks like I said. Haha xD

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      2. Itโ€™s as if the rules have been agreed with the virus. The virus can go into shops and trains as people will wear masks but the virus has been asked to stay out of restaurants, pubs and sandwich shops as masks wonโ€™t be worn here….

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  6. Madness. An MP was interviewed on the radio and asked if she’d send her kid back to school. She hedged and evaded the question, so the interviewer said she’d make it easy, Yes or No, would she send her kid back to school. Again the MP blathered, so she repeated the question, twice, and still got getting a simple answer said ‘I’ll take that as a No then,’ and terminated the interview!
    Keep yourself and Hawklad safe Gary.

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  7. Oh you weren’t talking about the US and its oh-so-competent leader? Sounds like the same issues we’re dealing with here, I’m just grateful I don’t have kids and my nephew is only 8 months old.

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  8. No school for Ben. The only reason we were going to have him go was the small class sizes, and it was 2 days a week. But we were given the CHOICE.
    Now we’re back on lockdown because people are Stoopid! People out of work again, students falling farther behind.

    Bojo and Trump (and their followers… mostly them) have really made a complete mess of things.

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