I was conscious that this Christmas will be different for us, different for Hawklad.

No end of school term activities and parties.

No Carol singing in the city while drinking hot chocolate.

No Santa Train ride. Ok we are doing our own car version.

No Charity Santa coming through the village on a trailer pulled by a tractor.

No festive walks along the beach and finishing off at a little cafe for his festive ice cream.

No visits to friends.

No family meet-ups.

No trips to the Christmas Market.

No trip to the zoo in New Years Day.

No family Christmas meal.

No Boxing Day walk with picnic.

No festive trip to the cinema to see a blockbuster and then whatever festive film they have showing.

No carol singers coming round the houses on Christmas Eve.

Basically it will be just the two of us and pets. Sticking to the house and garden. Maybe only one trip out to do the Santa Car ride. I was feeling bad about that so I brought it up with Hawklad. I explained the differences to him

……. so it’s going to be really different this year. How do you feel about that Hawklad?

“So no family at all?”


“Absolutely no visitors?”


“No festive trips out?”

It doesn’t look like it.

Dad, can we order in extra pizza over Christmas?”

Yes Son.

“Well that will be just fine then…….”

68 thoughts on “Well that’s sorted then

  1. We adapt as well as we can. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day here in the USA and my long weekend holiday will be just a bleak. At least, I’ve got Christmas music to cheer me up, lots of Christmas movies, and a large box of chocolates 🙂 A big shout out to you both.

    Liked by 3 people

  2. I get so torn on all of this fing social distancing.. Saturn is moving back into Aquarius and Aquarius rules large gatherings.. is it meant to turn us inwards? But what about our need for connection and community.. not being able to sit on Santa’s lap seems so sad for young kids right now.. I am used to lonely Christmases but it seems so tough over there in the UK right now..

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I’m sure that his anxiety would prefer to stay home. Home is safe. Safe is all that matters right now. I know it’s rough for you, and you’re doing remarkably well. Sometimes the things we want to give our kids, arent things they even want. 😂😂 Talking to him is best. Way to go Superdad!💌💌💌

    Liked by 2 people

      1. We have a nice Aldis… but like that as with what I said re schools and indeed life in terms of what suits… that suits me in terms of choice re what we eat in that I make most stuff from scratch. This far no had tae make anything from crisps or baby car seats..but who knows. x


  4. That sounds similar to our house as well. I have asked each kid what would make their holiday special, and I’ll try to make it happen since it will be so different this year. Pizza was the call for D as well. Whatever it takes!

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  5. ❤ The ways our kids respond to things that we think will upset them gives us pause sometimes and makes me wonder why we were worried to begin with. Enjoy!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Your Christmas in previous years sounds amazing! We never did half of that exciting stuff. We are alone over Xmas and not going anywhere either. It’s just going to be very quiet. Lots of yoga and bike riding for me hopefully 🙏

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