It is a beautiful planet.

What is never beautiful is my food skills. What words are more appropriate.







Well today I almost outdid myself. Nearly messed up the easiest thing. All I had to do was make strawberry jelly. The supermarket didn’t send the Jelly Cubes but that was not a major issue. I had rather cleverly put aside a packet of the powder jelly just in case.

So I came to make the said jelly. All I had to do was add boiling water, stir then put the bowl in the fridge. So I emptied the powder into the bowl, added the water and stirred.

Ok why is strawberry jelly brown coloured……

I continued to stir expected it to turn red eventually. No that is definitely brown. Now it was time to check the jelly packet. Ok ot was the same shape as a jelly packet. The same colour as the normal brand of jelly we buy. BUT the words STRAWBERRY JELLY did not feature that prominently. What did feature prominently was the words CHINESE BROWN GRAVY.

In my defence why would you put Brown Gravy in a bright Red Jelly looking packet…

Jelly is off today’s menu, Stir Fry is strangely very much on….

63 thoughts on “Searching

      1. No. My cooking leaves much to be desired. When I was first married I made Yorkshire puds that were black on the outside and liquid in the middle. My husband ate them without a word. These days I buy ready-made ones from Morrisons. I never bake anything if I can help it!

        Liked by 1 person

  1. Well that’s the Chinese for you. Just to trick you. So what does Chinese brown gravy taste like? Better yet…what’s it made of? Very suspicious of Chinese food, I am. They eat strange things.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. No, sir. I don’t believe itπŸ˜‰ You keep telling these cooking horror stories and they’re very funny, but I don’t believe a word of it. I believe you are a decent cook, and a fantastic story teller. Yep, that’s what I believe. πŸ˜‰πŸ’ŒπŸ’ŒπŸ’ŒπŸ’Œ

    Liked by 1 person

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