One of the downsides of school at home is that it takes out the potential for no school – snow days. That’s more for me than Hawklad. Hawklads attitude is that he’s done sledging this year so no need to overdo things. Much better to stay warm and wait for Spring. The problem is that there is still school work to be done. Hopefully after the school day is over I might be able to tempt him into a bit of snowman building. But need to get there first….

Dad I have to read or watch a Dystopian novel or movie. Do you think they would count Deadpool as suitable…”

Sadly I don’t think they will. Nice try.

I was thinking about just watching your football team play. That’s definitely dystopian.”

That would make 1984 seem like a slapstick comedy. Newcastle United are definitely bleak, grim and soulless.

And often pointless as well Dad.”

Come on we are doing quite well. We are 5th bottom. That’s good for us. You could listen to Iron Maiden’s Brave New World cd. That’s based on a dystopian novel.

That’s an idea but I need to write a review. Not sure talking about guitar solos is quite going to be ok”

What about watching Hunger Games.

No lots will be doing that. Fancy something different. Something like Deadpool.”

What about Brazil. It’s 1984 meets the darker side of Monty Python.

That sounds like a plan Dad.”

Or you could watch Alvin and the Chipmunks. They are like the entertainment version of my football team.

Dad that doesn’t sound like a plan”


And that was the best lesson of the day. The other lessons being a tad grim. Learning things that would seem to be just for the purposes of the national curriculum. He’s never going to need them after school. The learning process was so dry and boring. He has absolutely no interest in what he was trying to take in. So many frustrations. Ultimately what is the point. Queue Another Brick in the Wall. Maybe we are living in our very own dystopian world.

55 thoughts on “Dystopian

      1. Ha!! That is funny, and I would also wait for Nature to take its course and then present it to the teacher. Someone did that to me with a ten pound note in the bank. I refused to touch it, gave her the necessary form and told her to send it to the Bank of England for replacement,

        Liked by 3 people

  1. We had recorded Deadpool 2 on our tv box, to watch later. But then yesterday the box started making an awful buzzing noise. Turns out the motor blew. They are sending another box out today but all the shows/movies we have recorded are now no more. That’s my version of dystopia!

    Liked by 5 people

  2. The education system is definitely dystopian.
    I certainly hope COVID doesn’t reach “Captain Trips” level.
    Snowman making is the one snow activity I’ve actually done. It was quite a sad snowman. I guess I’m not cut out for snowy weather.😉

    Liked by 2 people

  3. There are a lot of Canadians or should I say Leaf fans who must like dystopian. They haven’t won the Stanley Cup since 1967. At times there’s some false hop as they choke up in the finals. Rather embarrassing considering hockey is Canada’s national sport.

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