Sunday morning in Yorkshire. Like every Sunday morning for over a year now. Not enough sleep. Get up. Feed the pets. Exercise. Housework. Give Hawklad his breakfast. Feel frustratingly hemmed in. Isolated. Overthink life.

But eventually I start to breathe. Remembering what is important in life. In my life. Remembering those personal treasures that are so close to my heart. That always lift me up. That make me smile inside and out. And I realise just how truly fortunate I am.

Yes it’s been a typical Sunday. Well almost

It’s not RAINING…

WE can do this.

58 thoughts on “Typical Sunday

  1. We can. You are already doing it! Thanks for the honest post and gorgeous flower pic. I have to look back at what I accomplished already to get courage for future. We have already lived and breathed through so much. It was worse before, right?

    Liked by 4 people

  2. HELLO! Yes, those sun-filled days can make all the difference. We’ve one last day of sun before the spring rains move in, so I’m determined to get kids out and about. When we revel in the little blessings, the big ones become all the sweeter.

    We’re holding on as well as we can here. I’m swamped again, but I’m starting to get used to it now, so that’s something. The kids are enjoying school, and the safety measures put in place have been keeping schools open since January. The cities, though, are still debating whether or not to open, so there, it’s still a mess. 😦 Now if I could just get the kids to not swamp each other in fighting over who has what blanket….UGH…. Stay well, Friend, and give Hawklad a smile for us Wisconsin folk! xxxxxx

    Liked by 3 people

  3. What?! Not raining? I hope you’ve noted this date with purple ink to match those beautiful crocuses 💜

    Not only *can* we do this… we ARE doing this!! Like those British guys sang 🎶 “…with a little help from [our] friends”🎶💃🏼
    Now, quick… run down to that lightning-struck tree, and give it a hug!💌💌💌

    Liked by 1 person

  4. It says a lot about you when little things can cheer and move you. However tough life is, it means you are on the right path, even if it doesn’t feel that way. Beware the times when the magic of little things is lost on you.

    Liked by 1 person

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