Time does slip by. Sometimes as fast as those clouds wizzing across the Yorkshire sky.

As a kid one of the things I wanted to be was an Astronomer. I remember the look on the career advisors face when I would mention that. It was definitely a ‘that ain’t happening so stop being silly’ kinda look. Actually the career advisor only ever had a few options to suggest. Work in the local steel works, work in the local chemical plant, work in a factory, work in a shop, join the army or the truly gifted might even pushed towards a job in the local bank branch.

Ok no Astronomy job did turn up. But I did eventually buy myself a small telescope. But the Yorkshire clouds, sleep and then parenting restricted the times it was used.

The telescope is still with me. Battered and a bit out of focus. Now is that describing the scope or its user….. If I’m not using the scope much so there is no point buying a better one. But I did set myself a goal of using it a bit more over the winter months. When the skies get darker for longer. The best time to gaze up.

Time slips by….

That telescope has not been out all winter. I thought about it a few times but there was always an excuse. There was always a tomorrow. Now winter has gone.

Time slips by….

24 thoughts on “Time slips by

  1. Ah, yes, indeed! I know of this well. The days have shaped and changed many of my earlier dreams. Yet, God shows me in all sorts of unexpected ways He is the keeper of my times and opens doors I’d not imagined. Keep looking for those open doors in your life, friend. They’re there.

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  2. Want the truth? [ Now ] is the only moment that exists, period. So, what do folks do? Well they can either live in the now or summon up regrets about a yesterday that doesn’t exist or fear about a future that also doesn’t exist (in the now).

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Ooohh… telescope! Don’t feel too bad. I have that brand new camera I wanted for Christmas and still haven’t used it🤦🏼‍♀️ Time keeps on tickin, tickin, tickin… into the future🎶💃🏼😉

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