One of those frustrating school at home days. Four lessons and zero work provided by school. No communication from teachers. Radio silence. Is it a Covid testing day. Is it a vaccination day. Is it a trip out day. Are the school systems down. Is it a revision day. Has Hawklad just been forgotten about….. Surely he is not the only pupil working from home.

I will let school know, AGAIN….

I wonder if the problem is a lot to do with a big school mentality. Maybe it’s what happens in the UK when you have school with over 800 pupils with a sixth form college bolted on for good measure. You have a teacher (maybe with a teaching assistant) trying to teach 30 pupils in an overcrowded classroom. Not enough time for individual teaching. That only happens when a pupil puts their hand up and asks for help. At home you can’t do that. What do the teaching staff do when many hands go up at the same time.

And here’s the other thing that makes a difference. Each subject has a different teacher and assistant and they change every school year. So it feels like all the time spent building up a relationship with the teaching staff is lost every summer. Working from home means that hardly any of the teaching staff have ever met Hawklad. None of the teaching staff have tried to speak with him (or me) since the pandemic started. Initially it worked better as one member of the team knew Hawklad. She had worked with him. She got him. She made the effort to ensure he was looked after and catered for. But she left. The current team don’t KNOW HIM. Maybe he is just seen as additional workload, an inconvenience.

So today Hawklad did his own learning until lunchtime then I called it and that was the end of the school day.

Let’s try again tomorrow.

24 thoughts on “Missing

  1. I suppose you could badger them.

    I found the school policies odd last year because the pupils were to stay home in case of exposure to COVID buuuut the teachers didn’t seem to have lesson plans or work prepared for at-home class.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Holes in education systems worldwide have been exposed by the pandemic. It’s so frustrating as parents to try to make sense of how we’re supposed to pull our kids through to the other side, and families with neurodiverse learners are under remarkable strain. 💛

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Over here, my grandson is taking online classes for a few days as we are traveling. He goes online via Google meets and is taught with the rest of the class. Why can’t a developed country like UK do it too?

    Liked by 2 people

  4. Times have been tough with the pandemic. As a senior school teacher, there are days when students do not react or reach out Online. It pains to see the reticence in them. But honestly, nothing in the world is more satisfying than making a student come across.
    And since last year, lesson plans have been more elaborate than ever, more involving and structured. We’ve never had to work so hard to reach out to our students.
    In your case, the school admin must be spoken to…
    Other than that, trust me, the boundaries of night and day, workplace and home, have all dissolved.
    Anything for students.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Over here in NZ, we have the same problems. inconsistent lessons and times. Kids struggle with a lack of routine and social contact.
    I think the school worked on the thoery that the lockdown would be over soon, but now we are very close to the end of the year, and end of year exams need to be done somehow.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Very frustrating! Can the school principal help out? I’m sorry. It feels very isolating and the lack of contact from the teachers certainly doesn’t help!


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