Another busy Yorkshire motorway…

Here is a completely random fact for you. If this was like one of those fine old Roman Roads, and just kept going ‘straight as a die’. Well if you kept driving straight, in just over an hour, you would get to where Chris Rea was born. I’m not sure this would be the Road to Hell he was talking about. Add another few miles on in that direction and you get to where mum was born. She had a few Chris Rea cd’s.

Sorry, this is what happens when you play with the newly found compass and direction finder on your mobile. Especially when your stood waiting for Captain Chaos to finish off his morning constitutional. It takes a while…..

It’s also happens to be nearly 2 miles to the nearest dog poo bin. Deep joy. Spookily 2 miles in the same direction as Chris Rea.

Actually thinking about it, I could also have picked the Free and Bad Company vocalist, Paul Rodger’s birth place. That would have been ‘Alright Now’. Then again I could have gone for Captain James Cook, but I’m not sure what his Rock Music credentials are like.

It’s nice to be thinking about other things for a few days. Even random things. Schooling was really getting me down. School definitely feels like somewhere between the Road to Hell and Another Brick in the Wall, but let’s worry about that next week. Back to random facts.

This road leads you to the actor Richard Griffiths birthplace, thars the actor who played Harry Potters Stepdad. Go a few more miles down this extended road and you get to Ridley Scott’s birthplace. Alien, Gladiator, Blade Runner.

Random Facts……

68 thoughts on “Random Facts

    1. They sound pretty “straight”forward to me, Gary, not at all random. A random fact for me was I was somehow ejected from following your blog. With not getting any of your posts I wondered if you or Hawklad were sick, but one day last week I looked at the list of blogs I was following, and you were no longer there. So I dialed you up on Word Press, and sure enough, there you were.
      The thing is, this happens to me more frequently than I think it should. People regularly fall off my list with no action on my part. At first I thought it was a quirk with Word Press, but I am no longer so certain of that. I have been removed from Jill’s blog at least two times, as well as from other blogs written or followed by people of religion. I have no idea where you stand, but I know you have many religious followers. I have no problem with that. Yes, I am atheist, but I do not exclude anyone based solely on their beliefs. Someone, though, seems to feel my beliefs are not welcome on blogs they follow. I do wish that person would let me know why they hate me so much. I don’t think I am that obnoxious.


      1. WordPress has a mind of its own. Like you, I seem to be dropped off blogs I follow, but in my case it’s mostly atheist themed blogs and autism themed blogs. But as these are the themes I tend to follow the most, the odds are that the internal WordPress gremlins will select these more often. I don’t think it’s possible for a follower to cause another follower to unfollow. That’s the perogative of the blog owner (and WordPress gremlins)


      2. It’s odd that wordPress notifies us when someone follows our blog, but doesn’t do the same when someone unfollows.. Likewise if you are You think it would be courtesy for WordPress let you know when a blog you follow unfollows you.


  1. As a Harry Potter nerd I have to correct you. Harry didn’t have a stepdad, he was raised by his aunt (mom’s sister) and uncle. Interesting facts though to read!


  2. Great photo. I take a lot of pictures of empty roads going off into the distance. I get fascinated by the thought of all the people whose paths crossed at various times. Random facts. I like those too.


  3. I like Chris Rea. He has an awesome voice, and how cool that if you just follow your compass in a straight line you’d end up at his place of birth. 🙂 I happen to be just as intrigued by maps and directions and the connections and distances. The imagination goes on a little drive. Thanks for the random thing, and I hope school moves in a better direction for you.


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