Somebody likes to photobomb any picture. This one is quite apt as he spends most of his time here. Digging stuff up, burying things and helping himself to any unfortunate vegetables which decide to grow here.

Yes I know it’s hardly Kew Gardens. I bet Kew doesn’t have as fine a collection of weed samples that we have… Maybe that could be our specialty. Our route to fame and fortune. Time to hug those weeds (all except those pesky nettles). And I bet Kew hasn’t had a banging crop like we have had so far this year. I don’t want to brag but so far we have had 2 radishes, 3 tiny leaves of spinach and one deformed spring onion. Eat your heart our Kew….

“Dad I’ve not a new school project to do. Take some photos of things your mum or dad or family are good at. Mum was good at so many things. Where do we start with you…”

I take that cheeky grin and that knowing look as an indication that either you are so impressed with the range of my talents or in fact you think that I am a complete muppet at everything.

“Ok Miss Piggy any ideas what I could use as examples of your talent?”

The garden

Really. Our neighbours have perfect gardens and we have lots of weeds.”

What about cooking

Dad your shortcrust pie last night was stronger and tougher than Captain America’s Shield. “


Have you seen my hair…”

Ok my sewing, remember that knee patch I put on your trousers

“At one stage you sewed your finger onto the trousers. When you got the patch finally on you managed to sew through to the back of the leg as well. You suddenly made the trouser leg only one foot long.”

That was a classic. I’m good at DIY. I put your shelf up.

It fell off the wall two hours later.”

But while it was on the wall it was perfectly level.

You know what Dad I have thought of a family talent. I’m off to photograph the gerbils shred a cardboard box.”

So with another humiliation to add to my growing repertoire let’s get back to the photo. The pink rose next to the wall is so special to us. It came from a small cutting which came from my partners childhood garden. It’s a precious link with the past. Yes it’s getting on quite a bit now. Aren’t we all. I only wish I was still looking as good as this rose. To look that good after all those years is some talent.

102 thoughts on “Garden photobomb

  1. You have quite the bounty. *she smirks knowingly* Don’t ask what I know. I really don’t know. It just sounds so sneaky. I love your story about the pink rose. Such a sweet connection. ☺

    Liked by 3 people

      1. No, unfortunately I have no garden or flowers planted. Things keep plotting against my plans, the weather, a visit to the hospital, the weather… Normally I plant begonias, but they really need hot weather or they rot from too much rain. I barely water them even in the hot weather because it really doesn’t take much to send them down hill. Sometimes I’m a bit like a begonia myself.

        I’m learning to listen though. I’ll get there. What is a really sturdy hardy type of flower? That’s what I need to be. ☺

        Liked by 2 people

      2. A rose would be perfect. As long as you can live with a few thorns. Life certainly goes against us sometimes. It has with you. But your still here. Still smiling. Still believing. The garden will come one day. πŸ˜€


      3. πŸ˜€ Yes to all of the above: still here, smiling, believing and the garden will come one day. Our forecast is calling for rain next week. It’s hard to believe when you see that sun shining. We shall see. I made a picture years ago with the words, “there will be smiling in the rain.” I’m still believing this too.

        Liked by 1 person

  2. Nettles are good! They bring goodies up from deep, and when they compost all those goodies go into the next round of garden.
    And, I’ve heard but not tried, nettle beer isn’t so bad.
    Maybe the next skill to try is weed beer?

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Love the Cap’n!! And your pink roses. Do the smell?

    Yeah, I’m not doing as well as the roses, I don’t bloom and my scent is probably not pleasant. I CAN be kinda thorny though…πŸ˜‚
    I’ve got a better crop of weeds so there’s thatπŸ˜‰πŸ’Œ

    Liked by 3 people

  4. Thank you for sharing your priceless conversations with your son. They’re the best. Your talent is being his hero. πŸ™‚ xx

    Liked by 4 people

  5. Oh, oh oh!!!! I actually laughed at this one, so I thank you for that! I could picture your son’s smirk! Now, as to the garden … I think it is beautiful!!! I should send you a picture of our tiny postage-stamp garden! We waited too late to plant our flowers this year ( a bit of depression for both myself and Miss Goose made us procrastinate), and we just now got around to planting a few bee-friendly seeds and our traditional sunflowers. Meanwhile, ‘things’ are growing in it that I don’t recognize, but they look like they might be flowers … someday. Oh, and about those weeds … they say that clover and dandelions are weeds, but I love them … love watching the bees gather nectar from them … to me, they are more naturally beautiful than a perfectly tended garden with everything in neat little rows. xx

    Liked by 3 people

      1. I will send you a picture in a day or two, but I cannot sit in the garden, unless I sit on the front stoop. I can sit on the patio in the back, though. I love the wildflowers, but unfortunately, since I live in an apartment complex, they mow every week whether I want them to or not. I actually got into a tiff with the mowers last week, for they kept going over the same spots over and over. It had just rained that morning, so they eventually left deep muddy tracks in the yard. Plus, I was at the kitchen table trying to work and the noise was driving me batty, so I went out, flagged them down, and told them to get the hell elsewhere! xx

        Liked by 1 person

  6. Tell the little smart arse to photo your blog. Ha! Today’s youth don’t appreciate how difficult it is to be utterly talentless; it takes hard work and years of dedication to spot the first glimmer of talent and grind it down with 10,000 hours of focused incompetence.

    Liked by 4 people

  7. A great post. Your boy does crack me up. Laughing at the ‘home school,’ our wee grandie is coming round today AFTER he does his home schooling. Given that yesterday when his mam shooed him cos he kept interrupting her on a client call —and hers are all abused women–he came back eventually and stuck a piece of paper down that said, ‘TV cut off?’ aged 5, i dunno he needs schooling….

    Liked by 3 people

  8. Perhaps you could use your baking to support the NHS. I understand they are lacking in Personal Protective Equipment and your shortcrust sounds like it would do the job brilliantly.

    Liked by 3 people

  9. I have spent so much time on our front garden digging and keeping the weeds out but realized yesterday I have completely forgotten to keep up with the back. I can relate to all the weeds!

    Liked by 2 people

  10. The rose bush is beautiful! I love the photo-bombed photo! I love your sense of humor and I am exceedingly glad to have popped in to read your post once again. Does your son not realize how funny his dad is? And that is a rare and wonderful talent – to lift others up to see the funny, the hilarious, the absolute wonderful nonsense of life. Oh yes, my friend, you have talents in bucketfuls, even if they do not lend themselves well to DIY projects. LOL

    Liked by 2 people

  11. The years do not pass in vain but the memories of the moments that gave us happiness are not erased. The dialogue is very original and your dog looks good in the garden. You will see a good time to do many plantings.

    Liked by 1 person

  12. Heavens, you sound just like me! Any plants I WANT to grow shrivel and die, while the weeds thrive. My cooking is usually gelatinous mush, and don’t get me started on sewing. You know it’s bad when Bo asks if my mom can mend his trousers, lol. πŸ™‚

    Liked by 1 person

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