After a recent run of relative baking success, normal service has returned. A mad idea to produce a bread bun. Here we would call it a Stottie Cake. But no ordinary Stottie. This one has to tick a few boxes.

  • Vegan so dairy and egg free,
  • Gluten Free,
  • Baking Agent Free,
  • Microwaved.

Well that was the plan. The end result 5 minutes later was interesting.

Well it kinda tasted of bread. But it’s texture was anything other than bread like. Imaging cutting into rubber. Only one thing for it. When I chucked it against the wall, it bounced back and I caught it. I had baked a bouncy ball. Most useful for a summer picnic.

The Great Bloggers Bake-off is fast approaching on the 18th-19th July. Why don’t you join in the fun. Whether you can bake or not. Let’s have fun.

Remember to send in your creations (you can start early) to Mel (CrushedCaramel). Maybe your entry is not baking just something for a picnic like a sandwich, drink or salad….

Let’s see if we can literally blow Mel’s and our wonderful judge Jeanne’s (A Jeanne in the kitchen) socks off with our creations and monstrosities.

96 thoughts on “Baking Disaster

  1. 😂 Big smile at ” Well it kinda tasted of bread.” Then lots of laughter after that. Pencil Practice is going pathetically. I’m still practicing though. I lost the force. 😕 The force will be with me… It will be!!!!!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. You take out all the good stuff, nuke it, and you’re surprised you got a rubber ball?? That’s one I’d toss outside to see if the wild animals eat or reject it. Better luck next time!

    Liked by 1 person

      1. You know that you are very charming, Gary…lol But no, there have not been a lot of “entitled” complaints (you know except those like “I don’t like tomatos, I don’t like brokkoli, I don’t like this shape of pasta 🤪)

        Liked by 1 person

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