Last night a Red Sky. Need to change the saying. Red Sky at Night, REALLY big puddles next day….

There is a long running British radio show called Desert Island Discs. Guests talk about their life and then play songs that they would take on a desert island with them. In addition to the Bible and the Works of Shakespeares they get to take a luxury item.

Well we played our own version of that last night. A few tweaks to the shows rules. I’ve done mine while Hawklad is taking his time over his. So you will get three posts from the Desert Island. Mine is here and Hawklad’s will follow. There will also be a third post – can you summon up for inner Sherlock and figure out what’s its about.

So here’s mine. Starting with the 9 tracks.

Whitesnake – Here I Go Again

Iron Maiden – Fear of the Dark

Leonard Cohen – Suzanne

Pink Floyd – Comfortably Numb

Lynyrd Skynyrd – That Smell

Shinedown – Get Up

Alter Bridge – Godspeed

Paul Gross – Ride Forever (from the TV Due South)

Foo Fighters – Walking After You

The Book I would take would be Terry Pratchett – Mort. The movie I would take would be End Game. The TV series would be the XFiles. Favourite food would be Apple Crumble and Custard. Favourite Drink would be full on Coffee. My favourite snack would be Cheese and Onion Crisps. And my luxury item would be a Telescope to look at the stars.

So that’s my list. If the desert island is anything like Yorkshire this afternoon then I would need a very thick jumper and the largest umbrella. Maybe not the most ideal desert island weather.

74 thoughts on “Desert Island

  1. Foo Fighters Walking After You is a good shout. Comment on that video made me die laughing “He protecc, he attacc but mostly… he on your bacc”

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I could never narrow down my choices… I love the luxury item though! Definitely want a telescope!
    I’ve got SERIOUS photo envy! Gorgeous sky!
    Just remember… “If you stomp in muddy puddles, you must wear your boots!” 🙄🤦🏼‍♀️🤣🤣🤣🤣

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Cool idea and fun list! I grew up on Pink Floyd and Lynyrd Skynyrd! “That Smell” is my mom’s favorite, actually. I have it pretty much ingrained in my head along with “Simple Man”. As for Pink Floyd, it’s always been “Money” and “Wish You Were Here” though I do really like “Comfortably Numb” as well. 😊 I highly anticipate Hawklad’s list!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I listened to that program for years on my dad’s transistor radio. Reception generally pretty poor. He always blamed the Russians for “jamming”. Your 3rd list…my inner Sherlock says it’s what your partner would have chosen?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Oh and we must share a parent because i could take 4 of your tracks (the others can be set adrift or used as coasters) and defo Pratchett (probably Going Postal but got to love Mort and anything involving DEATH)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Nice list!

    My songs hmm? I would want my phone cause it has my entire library of songs lol – I have a hard time picking

    My favorite movie is “what about Bob?” ❤️ he just makes me laugh so much ❤️ I just love that movie ❤️

    Umm for books? I just like historical or biographies

    And tv show 🤔 … The Goldbergs ❤️❤️❤️ Relate on both ends – the children and the parents lol – funny show!

    My luxury item … well if I am on a tropical island – seeing as I am Irish … let’s be practical… suntan lotion Spf 100!!

    But not practical… my phone ❤️ my connection to my family and the world ✌️ – with a water proof case lol (which I already have on it lol) 😘✌️ don’t ask lol

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I’m curious which episode you watched lol … it is pretty funny … I can relate cause grew up in 80’s and then the mom is so funny ❤️ I love her 😄❤️

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