So my first Covid vaccination is in two weeks. The second is at the end of April. There are still no plans to offer vaccines to children. So in effect it does really change our situation going forward.

As of tonight the full online school system will be turned off again. Hawklad goes back to trying to keep up with his classmates with whatever we can get our hands on. How well that works depends largely on the teachers and teacher assistants. Dependent on them finding the time to send class materials and work. Since September it kind of just about worked. Better in some classes than others.

I’m not entirely hopeful this time around. The teachers and assistants have to be involved in supervising the pupils doing Covid self tests. For a school with 900 pupils to do that twice a week is a massive task. Support for Hawklad is likely to be very limited going forward.

It’s going to be a challenging period for everyone going forward.

46 thoughts on “Challenging

  1. True homeschooling is looking better and better. Plus, if/when Hawklad feels able to attend classes, he can always re-enroll right? Homeschooling doesn’t have to be a permanent decision. Hawklad may not have thought of that.

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Glad you will be getting your vaccination. My daughter has had her first one, and the second one 12 weeks after. Isobelle is finding college hard, although she has wanted to be there all the time, but you know how that goes. Best of luck ❤️

    Liked by 2 people

  3. Yes, challenging indeed! But, who knows Hawklad better than you? I have every faith the two of you will continue on and, when all is said and done, he will have a top-notch, one-of-a-kind education. Sending prayers, my friend.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Challenges! The worldwide pandemic (Is that a redundancy?) has created lots of challenges. I will face my first real Covid-19-related challenge on St. Paddy”s Day. I wonder if I have to wear green while I try, along with everyone else living in Alberta who was horn in 1949, to get signed up for a vaccination. I hope I can get through either by phone or online that day to sign up, because March 18, and beyond, is slated for people born in 1950, and later. I very much pity anyone who does not listen to the news, or who does not own a computer. Their day might come and go without them ever knowing.
    Meanwhile, in the present vaccination group phase, persons of (official) First Nations descent can apply anytime as long as they were born in 1971 or earlier, but they were not given specific days to sign up. So, probably if I were an official First Nations person, which according to the government I am not because my dearest darling father did not want to be known as an Indian in those days before we became known as First Nations persons, because he hated himself for being born of mixed parentage, and now that I think of it, that is probably why we, his children, were hated by him so much, since we too were born of mixed parentage! Did you follow all that? I barely did. The result, for me, is though I should be able sign up as early as March 15 because I have First Nations blood in me, but I cannot because I am not officially Indian, I must sign up on March 17th, which is St. Paddy”s Day. Being as everyone in the world is officially Irish that day, no matter where they were born or who their parents were, they get no favours from the Alberta government in knowing when to sign up for their vaccines..
    Even worse still, we have no idea when we will be scheduled to get our first doses, let alone our second doses.
    I think, Gary, for this week and next, I wish I lived in England. It seems you have a much better system for getting vaccinated, even if not for children such as Hawklad, who here would get some kind of honourable special assistance from the government, at least until his 18th birthday, when he would become miraculously no longer on the spectrum, because all Canadians become normal adilts on that day, no matter what labels they carried with the one day prior.
    Follow all that? Me neither!
    Meanwhile, again, has your car been fixed yet, and do you know where you go to get your vaccine? Is it within walking distance of your home? Or do they come to you? (Yeah! Sure!) I sure hope your car is fixed, or at least temporarily driveable.


    1. Our NHS has done a staggering job on the vaccines. It’s one one thing the Government hasn’t tried to give to its buddies and private sector. But the worry is that we are putting all our eggs in the vaccine basket. Without the further changes we are still risking mutations becoming widespread which might start to negate all the work which has been done on the jabs.


  5. It will be a challenge for sure, but as more and more people get the vaccine, maybe the damn virus will be beaten? I know your lad will still be very anxious about it. I think you can only take a day at a time. My first vaccine is on Friday. Yay. (?)

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Great you have a date for your jab, and also an idea of the second. Hubby had his on Feb 20 and I had mine on Sat 6th March, but we won’t have our second until mid and end of May.
    Hope you can get some support for Hawklad.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. It is so idiotic to me that they would “turn off” distance learning and leave everyone else floundering get through school in their own. Online learning is a viable option for many right now, and proud always will be. Just seems like a huge step backwards to me. Hugs to you and son. 💖


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