Still summer is glorious. Had been hoping to get outside, have a chat and be creative with a pencil, but the weather is just not playing ball. This is midday…..

The school at home project has allowed this Dad to see some practical evidence of the progress and issues which son has with his learning process. The level of insight that is just not provided to parents from schools. Maybe in class sizes approaching 30 this type of insight is just not collected.

After these 3 months I have a better grasp on the dyslexia position. The feedback from school has been limited to

  • He has reading problems,
  • He is doing quite well in spelling tests.

That’s it…. Nothing else in just under two years.

So what insight has the last 3 months provided.

  • His reading has developed. I would estimate that he can read unaided about 50% of words. If he takes his time he can try to sound some of the missing words out, eventually arriving at a word he’s heard of before. The other words at school he’s been guessing or just ignoring. At home he’s happy to ask for help with words. Even allowing me to read out particularly difficult sections,
  • His dyslexia is more pronounced when he’s doing handwriting.
  • He finds it easier to type out answers. It’s a long process as his typing is not quick. He also struggles to see when the predictive text function selects the wrong word.
  • With certain word patterns it doesn’t matter how many times he sees the word, it’s like he is seeing the word for the first time.
  • When he gets tired the dyslexia flares up with greater force. Regular breaks really help. The optimum time appears to be 20 minute work blocks with short breaks.
  • Number dyslexia is still a problem. 6’s and 9’s are easily switched, especially when a decimal point is introduced into the number.

I’m not a trained teacher but I have a valuable quality which many teachers don’t get in UK schools. Quality time. Time to focus on one pupil. That is something which is not permitted under the current government led approach. An approach based on schools operating like automated production lines. That must be another vote for homeschooling…..

65 thoughts on “Midday

  1. If it fits you and it fits your son, homeschooling sounds like a great choice for your situation. You are so aware of his needs, you know how to help him, and best of all, he is comfortable asking for help. That is a major win!

    Liked by 3 people

  2. Does he just not know a lot of words or is it the dyslexia keeping him from recognizing them? Like if you say a word, does he know the meaning or has school kept him from improving his vocabulary because they didn’t help with his dyslexia?

    Homeschooling looks like the only option until Son has more help. I don’t know how he could possibly learn anything with his germ fear and zero learning support. Doesn’t seem like any other students are learning much either with the curriculum they have.

    Is Son going to address you as “Mr. Dad, sir” while learning is happening?😉😂💌

    Liked by 3 people

  3. So hope you get to get outside, have a chat and be creative with a pencil. 😀 *shakes fist at Yorkshire weather* As for the rest, yes, you do have a valuable quality. You are the dad of steel. That makes you much more qualified for the job.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I would say so… it sounds like he is more at ease, and obviously you are the one who has his best interests and give him time adjusted to how he learns.

    I already love home school, I think you are doing great!

    Look at you being all teacher-like lol … I think that’s awesome!!

    I vote homeschool – Incase there is a vote involved here lol ✌️😄 … he just does better with you and you know what he needs – plus it’s pulling you close ❤️ he will remember and cherish that later!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Well what does he want?? Don’t leave that out!! Lol

        It’s sounds like he is happier with you?

        Does he miss friends? Cause with homeschool there are ways to still have interaction with other kids

        Liked by 1 person

  5. I went for a walk yesterday. My boots are still drenched.

    On the subject of your son’s typing, is it possible to turn off the predictive text? It’s not something I have ever looked into but, if you can, it may remove one source of confusion.

    Liked by 2 people

  6. You’ve hit the nail on the head with quality time, and one on one.
    Ex partner’s youngest was a pain in the proverbial and refused to even try with his reading. He had a new teacher and she gave him quality time every day, even if it was only a few minutes. His reading escalated and we couldn’t keep his nose out of a book. If you can continue homeschooling Gary, go for it. Your boy is thriving under your tutelage.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. For all the negatives of Covid, particularly for you, at least your son has benefited from that quality, one on one teaching. With dyslexia this must be an enormous benefit. It must be immensely frustrating for a lad as bright as your boy.

    Liked by 1 person

  8. That’s amazing you have worked all that out and really valuable info to know. I’m really impressed … good for you. Sorry you missed your chat. The weather has been truly awful and stopped any outdoor fun. I haven’t been for a walk or a run in days and days. Sending hugs 🤗

    Liked by 1 person

  9. You know, I actually made the decision to homeschool my children for this upcoming school term. My youngest struggles in school and during the quarantine/stay at home order, I was able to identify her strengths and areas where she struggles, as you were with your son. I believe it is the best move for our family. Hoping it will work out for you guys!

    Liked by 1 person

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