It’s a Monday. According to my cute animal calendar it’s Bank Holiday Monday. But apparently it isn’t. This week because of VE Day commemorations it’s going to be a Bank Holiday Friday. I must have missed that memo. So our plans for a late start ended rather abruptly. Feels like it’s going to be another odd week. Most of today was actually spent trying to get my head into school mode and convince son that he can’t really do the whole day’s schooling from the comfort of his bed.

Little success on either…..

Dads whose to know that I’m going to school in bed today. It’s not as if the headteacher has a Eye of Sauron all seeing power.”

If the schools stay too much longer under the control of the current Schools Minister then I wouldn’t put it past schools adopting that form of teaching.

I can effectively enforce social distancing during lessons. Apart from pets and my cleaner, no one would dare venture into my bedroom”

Somedays even his cleaner tries to avoid venturing into that place.

If a bed is good enough for Lennon to have a peace protest then it’s definitely acceptable as a comfy classroom.”

Eventually Son was enticed out of bed with cookies. An impending attack by a dog returning from playing out in a sodden garden also focused his mind….. But I must admit I quite like the idea of bed at present. Maybe Bed Parenting might work tomorrow. So while I warm up the hot water bottle, I want to say thank you to Claire and Riya.

Thank you Claire for the nomination for the Liebster Award.

We’ve struck up a great blogging friendship over the last few months even though she keeps beating me at our daily balancing challenge. I’m sure she’s cheating…. So here’s goes with answering her questions.

  1. If you could have had any job/career what would it have been?  As a toddler I wanted to be a captain in Captain Scarlet. As a kid I wanted to be an Astronomer or Dr Who. Then I wanted to be a mountaineer. Then it was to be a goalkeeper for Newcastle and finally to captain Yorkshire at cricket. Ended up being an Accountant – figure that one out.
  2. If you were stranded on a desert island what three items would you choose to have with you? A helicopter. A person called Bear and a nice house. Guess that’s not the answer you wanted so…. A Swiss Army Knife. A fishing rod. The Lord of the Rings omnibus.
  3. What the thing you like most about yourself? My eyelashes.
  4. If you could relive one day again, exactly as it was before, what day would it be and why? Think it was in 2013. We caught the train up to Kleine Scheidegg. On a gloriousday we then walked down Lauterbrunnen. We played all sorts of games with our 6 year old. It was the best two hours ever. So much laughter and views to die for.
  5. If you could only see one more band/singer live, who would it be? AC/DC, never seen them.
  6. What is your biggest achievement in your life so far? Son…
  7. What’s your favourite way to relax (keep it clean please!)? Climbing, but I’ve had to ditch that. So now it’s running, exercise and blogging. Least favourite being watching Newcastle United.
  8. You can have a superpower for a year. Which one would you choose? Captain Marvel stuff so I could travel the Cosmos.
  9. What’s your favourite time of day and why? Friday 3.30. Schools finish so Son is off for the weekend.
  10. What are you most afraid of? Snakes. Wasps. Spiders. Drowning. My brothers old punchbag with a boxers face on it. Alvin and The Chipmunks.
  11. What are your ‘words to live by?’ Name the three most important for you. Chips, Crisps, pizza. OR love, laughter and listen.

Also thanks to Riya for the Vincent Ehindero Blogger Award.

1. What’s the best thing you like about blogging? And your advice. Making friends. At present I don’t get to socialise much these days. Blogging allows me inflict my bad and make new friends. And I do mean real friendships. My only advice is always have hope …. if I can do this then YOU certainly can.

2. What do you do to relax? Climbing in the pre parenting days. Now it’s blogging and running.

3. What is that one thing you are very grateful for? Three things. Our Son. Spending part of my life with such a beautiful person as my partner. Having been brought up by the best possible mum.

4. What is your happiest moment? Being handed our son after he had just been born.

5. Would you prefer a Cat or Dog? Got to be careful as we have both and gerbils. Let’s base it on this morning. The Cat missed the litter tray with his poo and the dog got excited and wee’d all over the kitchen floor. So it has to be the Gerbils currently.

I won’t nominate anyone as I have a rather bad habit of nominating blogs that are then deleted within weeks of the nomination. The last time I did, it was something like 5 of the 8 blogs were gone within the month. So best not nominate. I’ve been so grateful for the nominations over the last few months. I really have. But I think the time has probably come to do no more of these. Don’t want to risk deleting my own blog.

145 thoughts on “What happened to the Bank Holiday

  1. Didn’t you already delete your blog once??🤣🤣 Those pictures of the sky are gorgeous!
    Son keeps using the old John Lennon excuse… Lennon was naked and he had tons of people in the room. Is Son conveniently forgetting that part??

    My 3 words?? Cookies, Candy & Cake😂😂😂🍪🍭🍰💌

    Liked by 2 people

  2. Thanks for not nominating me 😉 I know I said I’d try to be around more, but now I’ve gone and applied to grad school and I am not sure how much I will be able to keep up with. I will not delete my blog, just probably be on less (starting in the fall. assuming I get in).

    Liked by 1 person

      1. I will definitely keep the Instagram going, and I will try to post here too but, like you said, infrequently. I have to give myself realistic expectations 😉

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Yeah. I use mine as a quicker check-in on my day to day running and fitness stuff and use my blog for longer posts – usually. Sometimes they end up being the same though!

        Liked by 1 person

  3. I enjoyed this post and can tell you are a wonderful Dad in such a difficult time of your life. You also have a sense of humor which is needed to lighten things up once in a while and I don’t like spiders either. 🙂 Take care, Lauren

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I agree with him. No “seeing eye” and school from bed would have helped me tremendously in the early 70s. My sleepy ass has been stumbling through school and work most of my life. Who the hell invented the 8 to 5 thing? Really??? How about the work day starts after NOON…


  5. Thanks so much for doing this. I know they can be a pain sometimes, especially when you are an A list blogger like yourself! I loved the answers and I too am frightened of Alvin and the Chipmunks! Oh and I never cheat😉
    Thanks again x

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Sorry about that. My blog is sleeping for now so I can get on with writing other things. I still like to read the blogs though. 😀

        Liked by 1 person

  6. I’ve accidentally deleted my blog TWICE! My kids would agree with your son. Well, for the first month that is what they tried to do – school from their beds. I can tell you it didn’t bode well with their grades. Little effort to actually turn in any assignment but they felt they were doing well. Sheesh.

    Liked by 1 person

      1. Urgh… that’s awful 😨 But if it is the same like over here then that condition is only up for about a day or two and then the temps are racing upwards again.

        Liked by 1 person

      2. Fingers tightly crossed, Gary! It seems to be an up and down over here for the coming 4 days but not as bad as previously predicted… thank God!

        Liked by 1 person

      3. I started an education this year (phytotherapy, which is about plants for healing purpose). We are having 8 long weekends (Friday to Sunday) for that. So, what I will do is trying to absorb everything new as good as possible… hehe.

        Liked by 1 person

      4. It do… but sometimes it feels a bit stressful since more than the whole weekend is blocked and I have a lot to organize before and after. But that’s worth it!

        Liked by 1 person

      5. You are a very sensitive person, Gary. I am happy we are connected. Yes, that silence gives me the necessary nerves to get everything done without freaking out… lol 😂But seriously, I am having a good week and I hope you and your son are doing well, Gary. Blessings to both of you 🙏

        Liked by 1 person

  7. I don’t know what day it is at the best of times but yes, this week has been upside down for me too given as how the calendar in the kitchen also shows bank holiday as being Monday of this week. I thought I was losing my mind.
    I could be enticed out of anywhere or in to anything with cookies. It’s a powerful blackmailing tool.
    Congrats on your well-deserved awards! Can’t blame you being afraid of Alvin & The Chipmonks. The live action/computer animated version is particularly disturbing!

    Stay safe & well, and have a good Bank Holiday FRIDAY today! 😉
    Caz xx

    Liked by 1 person

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